LIBRS Specifications Documentation

This document contains information about the Segments, Data Elements, Requirements, Errors, and Warnings that LIBRS uses in the validation of Incident Data.

Required Segments

The LIBRS Flat File is a space-delimited file generated by following the requirements in this document. Each section of this document outlines individual Segments. Each Segment is an individual lines in the LIBRS Flat File that contain varying information about the incident. Those bits of information are bound by the LIBRS Data Elements and their definitions/available values.

The information from an RMS needs to be output to the LIBRS Flat File in the exact specifications that are listed in this document. If not, a number of errors will occur. These errors and their common causes and resolutions can be found in the Data Elements Defintions section of this page.

In the event that no incident data is present for submission, the LIBRS Flat File should contain two Segments followed by a blank line (three lines in total):

    Submission Header (00)
    Submission Trailer (99)
    [Blank Line]

Alternative Zero Submission Format (Both behave the same way, use whatever works best for you):

    Submission Header (00)
    Zero Record (01)
    Submission Trailer (99)

Whenever you are submitting a file with data, however, the following segments should always be included for all Incidents that have a value of ‘I’ for DE C5:

    00 - Submission Header
    10 - Administrative Segment
    20 - Offense Segment
    40 - Offender Segment
    41 - Offender Using Segment/Gaming Motivation
    50 - Victim Segment
    99 - Submission Trailer

Whenever you want to submit a Deletion to us (used to either permanently remove an Incident from being reported, or simply to delete and re-add because there are changes that have been made to the Incident that need to be reflected) you need to ensure the following is included:

    00 - Submission Header
    10 - Administrative Segment (With DE C5 - Action Type = 'D')
    99 - Submission Trailer

Please note in all of these cases, the Submission Header and Trailer should only occur once per file. You can use any of the action types in the same Flat File. For instance, you can include all of the Deletes you’d like to make and the top of the file (after the Submission Header) and then follow it up with all of the Insertions that you’d like to make, or if you prefer include the Delete line just before the Insertion Segments for the Incident; it’s purely personal preference.

Data Types in this Document

In the tables that describe the Segment Layouts, you will find the following Formats listed:

Format Symbol Format Meaning
N Numeric
A Alphabetic
A/N Alpha/Numeric
D Date
G (Space) Blank Space

LIBRS Segments

LIBRS, like NIBRS, it built up on Segments that contain different information about the Incidents that are being reported. This portion of this document outlines the LIBRS Segments, and the building blocks (Referred to as Data Elements) That make them up.

Submission Header (00)


The Submission Header contains the information related to the Agency that is submitting the LIBRS Flat File, as well as information about the file itself, such as the Reporting Period it encompasses and the Spec Version that it was generated with (Currently we are only accepting LIBRS Spec 2.5)

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 00 1-2 2 N
C2 Submitting Agency 3-22 20 A
C3 Submission Date 23-30 8 D
C4 Reporting Period 31-36 6 D
C10 Software ID 37-41 5 A/N
C11 Software Version 42-51 10 A/N
C12 LIBRS Spec Indicator 52-54 3 A/N
** Future Expansion Buffer 55-56 2 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 57-58 2 A
C9 Padding 59-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 00 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
1 FIRST SEGMENT NOT 00 SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR Segment 00 needs to be the first line in the Flat File. There shouldn’t be any blank spaces above it, and it should always appear ONLY on Line 1
10003 MULTIPLE 00 SEGMENTS ENCOUNTERED.ONLY ONE PER SUBMISSION ALLOWED.DATA CANNOT BE PROCESSED FURTHER. Only one Header Segment should be present per Flat File. Multiple incidents in being in the same Flat File does not require multiple Segment 00’s.
10050 SEGMENTS ARE OUT OF NUMERIC ORDER FOR THIS INCIDENT The Second Line in a LIBRS Flat File must be one of the following Segments:
  • 10I, 10D, 10A, 10W
  • 30W
  • 60A, 60W
90038 INVALID LIBRS SPEC A Segment 00 with a Reporting Period year later than 2019 must have spec indicator ‘2.5’ in the positions 52-54. We no longer accept LIBRS 2.2 Spec and older.

Zero Record (01)


Segment 01 is used when there are no Incidents to report; IE a Zero Report. The segment can only be used when there are no Incidents present in the Flat File; there cannot be any Segments present other than 00, 01, and 99:

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor – 01 1-2 2 N
2 Incident Number - All Zeroes "000000000000" 3-14 12 N
C8 End of Segment Marker 15-16 2 A
C9 Padding 17-150 ** A/N

Segment 01 Errors and Explanations


Administrative (10)


The Administrative Segment contains basic information about the Incident that is being reported. It acts as the indication for LIBRS that a the next portion of Information is for a different incident from the previous on that was processed. This segment should always be included when:

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 10 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
L53 Location of Incident (Geographical Coordinates) 25-36 12 A/N
L54 Station/Division/Precinct Identifier 37-42 6 A
3 Incident Date/Hour 43-53 11 A
4 Cleared Exceptionally 54 1 A
5 Exceptional Clearance Date 55-62 8 D
** Future Expansion Buffer 63-82 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 83-84 2 A
C9 Padding 85-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 10 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10055 CANNOT HAVE AN INITIAL INCIDENT RECORD WITHOUT STARTING WITH RECORD SEGMENT 10 The first segment after the Submission Header when submitting new data (Action Type ‘I’) must be an Administrative Segment (10).
10075 MISSING A MANDATORY RECORD SEGMENT FOR A COMPLETE INCIDENT When an Action Type of Incident Report (‘I’) is submitted, this segment must be included.

Administrative Modification (11)


Segment 11, Administrative Modification, is only used when performing an update to a Time Window Submission Incident (DE C5, Action Type = ‘M’). Agencies should be aware that information submitted via time windows is stored separately by the FBI and is not combined back in with normal submissions and may or may not be reported in some publications nor counted towards overall totals.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor – 11 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
6 Louisiana Revised Statute Number 25-36 12 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 37-56 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 57-58 2 A
C9 Padding 59-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 11 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
11017 INCIDENT NUMBERS IN SEGMENTS 11 AND 63 MUST MATCH THE INCIDENT NUMBERS IN SEGMENTS 10 AND 60 RESPECTIVELY When using Segment 11, the Incident Number that is included must match the one provided in Segment 10.
11097 SEGMENT 11 AND/OR 63 MISSING Segment 11 was either missing, or did not have a matching Action Type (DE C5) compared to the Incident’s Administrative Segment (Segment 10).

Offense (20)


Segment 20, Offense Segment, contains information about the particular Offenses that occurred in the Incident. Note that only one Victim can be tied to an Offense, so if you have multiple Victims of the same Offense you will need to include multiple Segment 20’s to link those Victims to the Offense.

We get a lot of questions about this Segment, and have included more information about it in the FAQ, which can be found here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 20 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
L6 Offense Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
6 Louisiana Revised Statute Number 28-39 12 A
7 Offense Attempted/Completed 40 1 A
24 Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number 41-43 3 N
9 Location Type 44-45 2 N
10 Number of Premises Entered 46-47 2 A/N
11 Method of Entry 48 1 A
12 Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information Nos. 1, 2 and 3 49-51 1 (3x) A
13 Type of Weapon/Force Involved Nos. 1, 2, and 3 52-60 3 (3x) A
N6 Agency Supplied NIBRS Code 61-63 3 A
70 Inchoate Modifier 64-65 2 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 66-80 14 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 81-82 2 A
C9 Padding 83-150 ** G (Space)

Important Notes

Segment 20 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10075 MISSING A MANDATORY RECORD SEGMENT FOR A COMPLETE INCIDENT When an Action Type of Incident Report (‘I’) is submitted, this segment must be included.
14058 AT LEAST ONE OFFENDER MUST HAVE VALUES Each Incident must have at least one Offender listed. If no specific details about the Offender are known, use ‘000’ for the Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) to denote ‘Unknown Offender’ (NIBRS 09C is exempt from this, and must contain a known Offender). Additionally, the number of Offender and Offender Using (Segments 40 and 41) should match.
20000 MISSING SEGMENT 20 (OFFENSE) Each Incident must have at least one Offense Segment (Segment 20) present.

Property (30)


Segment 30, Property Segment, is used to identify that Properties are involved in the listed Offenses. It only contains general information about these Properties, such as the number of Stolen or Recovered Vehicles. Further Details are expected to be entered in Segments 31, 32, and 33.

We get a lot of questions about this Segment, and have included more information about it in the FAQ, which can be found here.

Note: There should only be ONE Segment 30 per Incident

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 30 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
18 Number of Stolen Motor Vehicles 25-26 2 A/N
19 Number of Recovered Motor Vehicles 27-28 2 A/N
** Future Expansion Buffer 29-48 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 49-50 2 A
C9 Padding 51-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 30 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10074 PROPERTY RECORD (SEGMENT 30 & 31) MUST EXIST WITH THIS OFFENSE When DE C5 (Action Type) is ‘I’, Property Segments 30 and 31 must exist submitted with an Offense Segment (20) whose NIBRS is a ‘Crime Against Property’: Additionally, the following Offenses are included in this requirement:
  • Kidnaping (100)
  • Gambling (39A, 39B, 39C, and 39D)
  • Drug/Narcotic (35A and 35B)
10076 PROPERTY RECORD (SEGMENT 30 & 31) CANNOT EXIT WITH OFFENSES SUBMITTED Segments 30 and 31 should not be included when the Incident is comprised of only the following Offense Codes:

Property Description (31)


Segment 31, Property Description, includes specific details about the Properties that are involved in the Incident. One Segment 31 should be included for each Property that is involved in the Incident.

We get a lot of questions about this Segment, and have included more information about it in the FAQ, which can be found here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 31 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
14 Type of Property Loss / Etc. 25 1 N
15 Property Description Type 26-27 2 A/N
16 Value of Property 28-36 9 N
17 Date Recovered 37-44 8 D
20 Suspected Drug Type 45-46 2 A
21 Estimated Drug Quantity 47-59 13 A/N
22 Type Drug Measurement 60-61 2 A
P1 Property Sequence Number 62-64 3 N
** Future Expansion Buffer 65-81 17 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 82-83 2 A
C9 Padding 84-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 31 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10074 PROPERTY RECORD (SEGMENT 30 & 31) MUST EXIST WITH THIS OFFENSE When DE C5 (Action Type) is ‘I’, Property Segments 30 and 31 must exist submitted with an Offense Segment (20) whose NIBRS is a ‘Crime Against Property’: Additionally, the following Offenses are included in this requirement:
  • Kidnaping (100)
  • Gambling (39A, 39B, 39C, and 39D)
  • Drug/Narcotic (35A and 35B)
10076 PROPERTY RECORD (SEGMENT 30 & 31) CANNOT EXIT WITH OFFENSES SUBMITTED Segments 30 and 31 should not be included when the Incident is comprised of only the following Offense Codes:

Property Modification (32)


Segment 32, Property Modification, is only used when performing a Time Window Submission (Action Type ‘W’) or a Modification (Action Type ‘M’) to a Time-Window Submission.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 32 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type (“W” or “M”, only) 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
6 Louisiana Revised Statute Number 25-36 12  
** Future Expansion Buffer 37-56 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 57-58 2 A
C9 Padding 59-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 32 Errors and Explanations


Property/Offense (33)


Segment 33, Property/Offense Relationship, is used to distinctly relate a Property to an Offense. This Segment is not mandatory, though you will most likely experience Errors if you do not include it.

When this segment is not included, LIBRS will perform a Cross Product between all Properties and all Offenses. We have measures in place to help limit incorrect Properties from being associted with Invalid Offenses (EG: Drugs being associated with Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses), however the best way to ensure that Properties are being appropriately linked up to their Offenses is by including a Segment 33 for each Property/Offense Relationship.

We get a lot of questions about this Segment, and have included more information about it in the FAQ, which can be found here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 33 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
P1R Property Sequence Number Reference 25-27 3 A
L6R Offense Sequence Number Reference 28-30 3 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 31-50 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 51-52 2 A
C9 Padding 53-150 ** G (Space)

Important Notes:

Successful Segment 33 Inference Example

An incident is submitted with a NIBRS 23H ‘Crime Against Property’ Offense, as well as a NIBRS 11A ‘Crime Against Person’ Offense, along with one or more properties that are intended to be linked to the 23H Offense. Since NIBRS 11A has no related Offenses that are a ‘Crime Against Property’, if Segment 33 is missing LIBRS knows that it should not apply the properties to the 11A Offense. As a result, LIBRS will only infer the properties to be related to the 23H Offense, successfully validating the Incident submission.

Unsuccessful Segment 33 Inference Example

An incident is submitted with a NIBRS 23H ‘Crime Against Property’ Offense, as well as a NIBRS 13B ‘Crime Against Person’ Offense, along with one or more properties that are intended to be linked to the 23H Offense. Since 13B has some offenses that are ‘Crime Against Property’, if Segment 33 is missing LIBRS cannot know that it shouldn’t apply the properties to the 13B Offense. As a result, LIBRS will interpret all properties to be related to all offenses, which in this case will throw validation errors.

Segment 33 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
90018 PROPERTY MUST HAVE A VALID RELATIONSHIP TO AT LEAST ONE OFFENSE All properties submitted within an incident must be related to at least one Offense. Please ensure that all Properties are linked to an Offense through a Segment 33.
90023 DUPLICATE - A PRIOR PROPERTY OFFENSE SEGMENT ALREADY EXISTS WITH THE SAME SEQUENCE NUMBERS Each Property/Offense segment submitted must have unique combinations of Property Sequence Number References (DE P1R) to Offense Sequence Number References (DE L6R).

Both Properties and Offenses can both be related to multiples of each other (EG One Property to Multiple Offenses), however, Property/Offense segments cannot relate a single Property to a Single Offense multiple times.

Ivalid Combinations of NIBRS Offense Codes and Property Descriptions

There are a number of illogical combinations for various NIBRS Offense Codes (Data Element 6) having certain Property Descriptions (Data Element 15). For example, it is illogical for Purse Snatching (NIBRS Code 23B) to be connected to property having a Property Description data value of Aircraft (01) or Livestock (18).

The table below shows invalid combinations of NIBRS Offense Codes and Property Descriptions. X’s on this table represent that the combination of the Property Description and NIBRS Code are incompatible and should NOT be used together.

Invalid Property Descriptions 220 23A 23B 23C 23D 23E 23F 23G 23H 240
01   X X X            
03   X X X X X X X X  
04   X X              
05   X X X X X X X X  
12   X X X            
15   X X X            
18   X X X            
24   X X X X X X X X  
28   X X X X X X X X  
29 X X X X X X X X   X
30 X X X X X X X X   X
31 X X X X X X X X   X
32 X X X X X X X X   X
33 X X X X X X X X   X
34 X X X X X X X X   X
35 X X X X X X X X   X
37   X X X X X X X X  
39   X X X            
78   X X              

Offender (40)


Segment 40, Offender Segment, is used to submit information about the suspected Offender(s) that are involved in an Incident. You should have as many Offender Segments as you have Suspects.

Offenders are linked to their Offenses by their Victims. Segment 20 - Offense Segment contains a Victim Sequence Number that denotes who the victim of the Offense was. Segment 52 - Victim/Offender Relationship then links the Offender to the Victim, which, in turn, links the Offender to the Offense.

More information and common questions and errors can be found on the LIBRS FAQ for this Segment here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 40 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
36 Offender Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
37 Age of Offender 28-30 3 A
L37 Date of Birth of Offender (LIBRS Only) 31-38 8 D
38 Sex of Offender 39 1 A
39 Race of Offender 40 1 A
8A Bias Motivation / Bias Crime Type 41-42 2 A
39A Ethnicity of Offender 43 1 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 44-62 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 63-64 2 A
C9 Padding 65-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 40 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10075 MISSING A MANDATORY RECORD SEGMENT FOR A COMPLETE INCIDENT When an Action Type of Incident Report (‘I’) is submitted, this segment must be included.
16056 THIS ARRESTEE EXCEEDED THE NUMBER OF OFFENDERS ON THE INCIDENT Number of Arrestee Segments (Segment 60) cannot exceed the number of Offender Segments (Segment 40)

Offender Using/Gaming Motivation (41)


Segment 41, Offender Using/Gaming, is used to denote additional aspects about the potential motive behind an Offender’s behavior.

More information and common questions and errors can be found on the LIBRS FAQ for this Segment here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor – 41 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
36 Offender Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
8 Offender Suspected of Using / Gaming Motivation 28 4 (4x 1 Char) A
** Future Expansion Buffer 32-48 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 49-50 2 A
C9 Padding 51-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 41 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10075 MISSING A MANDATORY RECORD SEGMENT FOR A COMPLETE INCIDENT When an Action Type of Incident Report (‘I’) is submitted, this segment must be included.

Victim (50)


Segment 50, Victim Segment, is used to report the relevent personal attributes of the Victims of the Offenses in the Incident. You should have as many Segment 50’s as you have unique Victims. This means you should not repeat Society as a Victim for each Offense that is a Crime Against Society, and instead only have a single Segment 50 to represent it.

More information and common questions and errors can be found on the LIBRS FAQ for this Segment here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor – 50 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
23 Victim Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
25 Victim Type 28 1 A
26 Age (At Time of Incident) 29-31 3 A
L26 Date of Birth (LIBRS Only) 32-39 8 D
27 Sex 40 1 A
28 Race 41 1 A
29 Ethnicity 42 1 A
30 Resident Status 43 1 A
31 Aggravated Assault / Homicide Circumstance Nos. 1 and 2 44-47 2 (2x) N
** Deprecated Data Element 48-49 2 G (Space)
32 Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstance 50 1 A
25A Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance 51-52 2 N
25B Officer Assignment Type 53 1 A
25C Officer ORI, Other Jurisdiction 54-62 9 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 63-68 6 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 69-70 2 A
C9 Padding 71-150 ** G (Space)

Important Notes

Segment 50 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
10075 MISSING A MANDATORY RECORD SEGMENT FOR A COMPLETE INCIDENT When an Action Type of Incident Report (‘I’) is submitted, this segment must be included.
90044 VICTIMS OF ‘I’ OR ‘L’ MUST BE ASSOCIATED WITH AT LEAST TWO OFFENDERS WHEN MULTIPLE SEGMENT 40’S EXIST AND CRIME IS AGAINST PERSON OR ROBBERY According to the NIBRS IEPD Requirements (Error 085), when there is more than one Offender in an Incident, and a Victim is tied to a Crime Against Person or a Robbery and is also a Victim Type of ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’, then the Victim must be associated with at least two Offenders.

Victim Injury (51)


Segment 51, Victim Injury, includes information about the sustained Injuries of a Victim of an Offense.

The main thing to note about it is that it required to be included when a Segment 50 (Victim Segment) is present with a Victim Type of ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’, and the Offense is of one of the following NIBRS Codes:

Otherwise, it should NOT be included. Additionally, you should not supply a Segment 51 without an Injury Type (DE 33).

More information and common questions and errors can be found on the LIBRS FAQ for this Segment here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 51 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
23 Victim Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
33 Injury Type 28 1 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 29-48 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 49-50 2 A
C9 Padding 51-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 51 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
15020 DATA MUST BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES Segment 51 must be present for each Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) that has a Victim Type (DE 25) of ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’.

Victim/Offender Relation (52)


Segment 52, Victim/Offender Relationship, is what links the Victims to the Offenders, and thereby links the Offenders to the Offenses.

If a Victim of Type ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ is present in the Incident, and the Offense is a Crime Against Person or a Robbery, then this Segment needs to be included. Otherwise it should NOT be included.

More information and common questions and errors can be found on the LIBRS FAQ for this Segment here.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 52 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
23 Victim Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
34 Offender Number to be Related 28-30 3 N
35 Relationship of Victim to Offender 31-32 2 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 33-52 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 53-54 2 A
C9 Padding 55-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 52 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
15005 MISSING VICTIM/OFFENDER SEGMENT OR RELATIONSHIP (SEGMENT 52 OR DE L6) Victim/Offender Relationship (Segment 52) must be present for each Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) that has a Victim Type (DE 25) of ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ that is a victim of a Crime Against Person or a Robbery.
22081 SEGMENT 52 MISSING–MUST BE PRESENT IF VICTIM TYPE IS ‘I’ OR ‘L’ This Segment must be included if the Victim is of Type I or L.

Arrestee (60)


Segment 60, Arrestee Segment, is used to define whether or not an Offender was arrested for an Offense or not. Since Offenders can be known but not apprehended, there needs to be another Segment that details the information about their Arrest when the time comes.

Segment 60 can also be used with Action Type ‘A - Arrest’ in order to add Arrest Information to an already submitted Incident. Though, it’s recommended to simply generate a Delete for the Incident and then resubmit it.

You should include an Arrestee Segment for each Offender that has been arrested in relation to an Offense. While NIBRS allows Arrestees to not be linked to an Offender (EG Someone that’s not listed on the Incident is listed as the arrestee for it), LIBRS does not allow this. Any Arrestee that’s present in this Segment should also have a Segment 40 (Offender) associated with them.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 60 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
40 Arrest Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
41 Arrest Number/Local Booking Number for Arrest* 28-39 12 A
L55 Arrest Transaction Number 40-54 15 A/N
L40 Arrestee Name 55-74 20 A
42 Arrest Date 75-82 8 D
43 Arrest Type 83 1 A
44 Multiple Arrestee Segment Indicator 84 1 A
47 Age (At Time of Arrest) 85-87 3 A
L47 Date of Birth 88-95 8 D
48 Sex 96 1 A
49 Race 97 1 A
50 Ethnicity 98 1 A
51 Resident Status 99 1 A
52 Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 100 1 A
C6 Clearance Indicator (to be used for Time Window Submission only) 101 1 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 102-118 17 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 119-120 2 A
C9 Padding 121-150 ** G (Space)

Important Notes

Segment 60 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
16056 THIS ARRESTEE EXCEEDED THE NUMBER OF OFFENDERS ON THE INCIDENT Number of Arrestee Segments (Segment 60) cannot exceed the number of Offender Segments (Segment 40)
16060 INCIDENT REPORT NOT ON FILE The Arrestee Segment submitted with an Action Type of ‘A’ (Add an Arrest) was rejected because the incident is not on the LIBRS database.

Arrestee Armed (61)


Segment 61, Arrestee Armed, denoted the details about whether or not an Arrestee was armed with a weapon at the time of their arrest. This segment should appear for each Segment 60 (Arrestee) Segment that is present in the Incident Report.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 61 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
40 Arrestee Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
46 Arrestee Armed With at Time of Arrest 28-30 3 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 31-50 20 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 51-52 2 A
C9 Padding 53-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 61 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
16080 SEGMENT 61 MISSING–MUST HAVE ONE PER ARRESTEE SEGMENT An Arrestee Armed Segment (Segment 61) is required for each Arrestee Segment (Segment 60) that is present in the LIBRS Incident Report.
16099 SEGMENTS 61 and 62 CAN ONLY BE PRESENT WHEN SEGMENT 60 EXISTS An Arrestee Armed Segment (Segment 61) is not to be included unless there is an Arrestee Segment (Segment 60) present in the LIBRS Incident Report.

Arrestee Statute (62)


Segmetn 62, Arrestee Statute, is what’s used to say what Statute an Arrestee was Arrested for. At this time, Data Element L45 - Arrest Connection to Offense is optional, however if it is to be included there are particular requirements for it. Please review the definition of the Data Element to ensure that it’s being correctly applied.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 62 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
40 Arrestee Sequence Number 25-27 3 N
45 Louisiana Revised Statute Number of Arrest 28-39 12 A
L45 Arrest Connection to Offense 40-54 15 A
N45 Agency Supplied NIBRS Code 55-57 3 A
70 Inchoates Modifier 58-59 2 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 60-74 15 G (Space)
C8 End of Segment Marker 75-76 2 A
C9 Padding 77-150 ** G (Space)

Segment 62 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
16081 SEGMENT 62 MISSING–MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE PER ARRESTEE SEGMENT An Arrestee Statute Segment (Segment 62) is required for each Arrestee Segment (Segment 60) that is present in the LIBRS Incident Report.
16099 SEGMENTS 61 and 62 CAN ONLY BE PRESENT WHEN SEGMENT 60 EXISTS An Arrestee Statute Segment (Segment 62) is not to be included unless there is an Arrestee Segment (Segment 60) present in the LIBRS Incident Report.

Arrestee Modification (63)


Segment 63, Arrestee Modification, is only used when making a Modification to an Arrestee’s Information that was submitted as a Time-Window Submission.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 63 1-2 2 N
C5 Action Type 3 1 A
1 ORI Number 4-12 9 A
2 Incident Number 13-24 12 A
6 Louisiana Revised Statute Number of Incident 25-36 12 A
** Future Expansion Buffer 37-56 20 A
C8 End of Segment Marker 57-58 2 A
C9 Padding 59-150 ** A/N

Segment 63 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
11017 INCIDENT NUMBERS IN SEGMENTS 11 AND 63 MUST MATCH THE INCIDENT NUMBERS IN SEGMENTS 10 AND 60 RESPECTIVELY When using Segment 63, the Incident Number that is included must match the one provided in Segment 60.
11097 SEGMENT 11 AND/OR 63 MISSING Segment 63 was either missing, or did not have a matching Action Type (DE C5) compared to the Incident’s Arrestee Segment (Segment 60).

Submission Trailer (99)


Segment 99, Submission Trailer, should be the last line in your Flat File, and should only appear once per file.

Segment Layout

Data Element Number Description of Data Element Position(s) Length Format
C1 Segment Descriptor - 99 1-2 2 N
C7 Number of Segments Transferred 3-8 6 N
C8 End of Segment Marker 9-10 2 A
C9 Padding 11-150 ** A/N

Important Notes

Segment 99 Errors and Explanations

Error Number Error Message Explaination of Error
19901 LAST LINE OR SEGEMENT NOT 99 SEGMENT TYPE Last line in data submission is not Segment 99 (Submission Trailer).
19902 NUMBER OF SEGMEMTS FIELD IN 99 SEGMENT IS NOT A VALID NUMERIC FIELD Number of Segments Transferred field (Data Element C7) in Submission Trailer is not a valid numeric field. The Number of Segments Transferred should be a number with front-padded zeros (0) to make up a six-digit number. EG If there are 25 lines in the Flat File (including the Footer Segment), then The Number of Segments Transferred should be ‘000025’.
19903 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS ON SUBMISSION TRAILER DOES NOT MATCH RECORD COUNT Number of Segments Transferred (Data Element C7) in Submission Trailer Segment does not match Record Count for data submission. The number of lines in the Flat File, including the Header and Footer Segments, is the number that should be used in the Number of Segments Transferred (front-padded with zeros to make a six-digit number).

LIBRS Data Element Definitions

This portion of the document contains information about the specific requirements that go into each of the LIBRS Data Elements. For the short list of available values for each Data Element, go here.

ORI Number (1)

Description: NCIC originating agency identifier number. This field should follow the format of ‘LAXXXXXXX’, where XXXXXXX is the 7-digit code for the Agency’s ORI Number.

Data Characteristics: 9 Character Numeric/Alpha. Cannot be blank, and must start with ‘LA’.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This is a required Data Element, and it cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Must be a valid 9-character NCIC number, where the last 2 positions of the ORI must reflect ‘00’ for all state and local agencies. This Error will also be thrown if the ORI Number that is used in the various Segments of an Incident Report does not match the ORI Number Specified in Segment 00 (Header Segment) 10052 NOT A VALID ORI–NOT ON LIBRS ORI FILE
3 First two positions must be the code of the state ‘LA’ in which the incident occurred. 10059 ALL ORI NUMBERS MUST BE THOSE OF AGENCIES IN LOUISIANA (LA)
4 The ORI Number Specified in Segments 20, 40, 41, and 50 need to match the ORI Number in Segment 10. 90042 VALUE MUST MATCH THE VALUE SUPPLIED IN ADMINISTRATIVE SEGMENT (SEGMENT 10)


Incident Number (2)

Description: Agency unique, in-house assigned case number. It is used to link subsequent update submissions to the original submission. This number will be encrypted prior to any dissemination of data to ensure that the recipient cannot identify the actual case. The Incident Number should contain the current year as part of it when possible to prevent duplication/reuse of incident numbers across different years. EG 20-000001 for the first incident of 2020.

Data Characteristics: 12 Character Alpha. Cannot be Blank, and must be unique for each Agency (IE Agency A and B can both have an Incident Number 20-00001, but Agency A cannot have two Incidents with Incident Number 20-00001).


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This is a required Data Element, and it cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Incident Numbers be left justified, 12 or less characters long, include only Letters, Numbers, Hyphens, or Blank Spaces, and the first character in an Incident Number cannot be a blank space. 10016 MUST BE LEFT - JUSTIFIED–BLANK DETECTED IN FIRST POSITION
3 This field must be unique for each incident reported by the agency; no two incidents can have the same Incident Number. Some agencies ensure uniqueness by prefixing every incident number with a two-digit year followed by a number starting with 1, while others simply increment the Incident Number by one for each new incident. 10056 INCIDENT ALREADY ON FILE–PREVIOUSLY ADDED TO FILE ON [MM/DD/YYYY]
4 The Incident Number Specified in Segments 20, 40, 41, and 50 need to match the Incident Number in Segment 10. 90042 VALUE MUST MATCH THE VALUE SUPPLIED IN ADMINISTRATIVE SEGMENT (SEGMENT 10)


Concept of time and place provides: If more than one crime was committed by the same person or group of persons and the time and space intervals separating them were insignificant, all of the crimes make up a single incident.

An incident is considered as one or more offenses committed by the same offender or group of offenders acting in concert at the same time and place.

Acting in concert requires that the offenders actually commit or assist in the commission of the crime(s). The offenders must be aware of, and consent to, the commission of the crime(s); or, even if non-consenting, their actions assist in the commission of the offense(s). This is important because all of the offenders in an incident are considered to have committed all of the offenses in the incident. If one or more of the offenders did not act in concert, then there is more than one incident involved.

Same time and place means that the time interval between the offenses and the distancebetween the offenses and the distance between the locations where they occurred were insignificant.

Normally, the offenses must have occurred during an unbroken time duration and at the same or adjourning location(s). However, incidents can also be comprised of offenses which by their nature involve continuing criminal activity by the same offender(s) at different times and places, as long as the activity is deemed to constitute a single criminal transaction. Regarding these situations, the reporting agency will have to use its best judgment.

Incident Date/Hour (3)

Description: Date and Time when the incident occurred or started, or at the beginning of the time period in which it occurred, or date of report if unknown. If an incident occurred before the agency’s Base Date it should not be reported to LIBRS; it will be rejected if it is. For the most part, this really isn’t an issue, as the Base Date for most agencies is from somewhere in 2012. However if you do run into an error regarding it, then you should remove that Incident from being reported.

Data Characteristics: 11 Character Alpha. If Unknown, Enter the Reporting Date (MMDDYYYY) followed by an ‘R’ to indicate the date is not the actual Incident Date, but rather the Reporting Date. Leave the Time blank in this case (Not 0’s, but Blank Spaces)

Format: MMDDYYYYXHH, Where ‘X’ is either:

Important Note:


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for the Incident Date (DE 3) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYYY Format, and is not a date later than the current date. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 If the Incident Date is unknown, use the Report Date. Indicate a Report Date with an ‘R’ in the space before the hour. If this is the Incident Date, then leave the ‘Report’ indicator blank. 11051 REPORT INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK OR ‘R’
3 If entered, the ‘HH’ Value of the Incident Date to denote the hour the Incident Occurred in must be between 00 and 23. Remember that midnight is the start of a new day, so Incidents that occur in the ‘00’ hour should be reported as occurring on the correct day. EG: Thursday at 11:59PM, or Friday at 12:00AM. 11052 INVALID HOUR ENTRY
4 Incident Date/Hour cannot be later than the year and month the data submission file represents. (EG: A June 2019 data submission cannot contain incidents occurring after June). 11070 INCIDENT DATE CANNOT BE AFTER YEAR [YYYY] AND MONTH [MM] OF TAPE
5 The Incident Date CANNOT be earlier than 01/01/1991 for Incident Report (‘I’) submissions.
This edit will preclude dates that are obviously incorrect since the FBI began accepting data on this date.
6 No data regarding an incident previously submitted under the Summary UCR reporting system can be submitted with an incident date later than the date the agency commenced reporting.
It will be regarded as a duplicate submission and be rejected since the Summary UCR system already contains the aggregate data for the months before LIBRS conversion.

In other words, if an agency sends Incident Based Reporting (IBR) data for the first time on 20 July 2019, all ‘Incident Date/Hour’ (DE 3) entries for incidents, recovered property, and arrests must be within July, 2019

The exception is when Exceptional Clearances occur for a pre-IBR incident
In this case, ‘Incident Date/Hour’ (DE 3) may be earlier than July, 2019, but Exceptional Clearance Date (5) must be within July, 2019

LIBRS maintains a table of start dates (Agency Base Dates) for every law enforcement agency in the state
Except for the above example, LIBRS will reject data submitted with an ‘Incident Date/Hour’ prior to the agency’s Base Date (start date).
7 Time Window Submissions are not allowed for Incidents Dates that are later than the Agency’s Base Date (Date they began submitting Incident-Based data). 11076 INCIDENT DATE FOR WINDOW RECORDS CANNOT BE AFTER AGENCY’S BASE DATE
6 The Incident Date supplied in Segment 10 cannot be after the Submission Date in Segment 00. 11077 INCIDENT DATE (DE 3) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN THE SUBMISSION DATE (DE C3)



Example Number Description
1 If a robbery occurred at 9:30 p.m. on July 2, 2014, the entry should be ‘07022014G21’ (where ‘G’ is a blank).
2 If a kidnaping started at 11:30 p.m. on November 1, 2014, and ended at 6:00 p.m., on November 16, 2014, the entry should be ‘11012014G23’ (where ‘G’ is a blank).
3 If the date and hour of the incident are unknown, but the date of the report was March 15, 2014, the entry should be ‘03152014RGG’ (where ‘G’ is a blank).
4 If a burglary occurred sometime between 11:15 A.M. on June 24, 2014, and 4:30 P.M. on June 26, 2014, the entry should be 06242014G11 (where “G” is a blank).
5 If a rape occurred on November 15, 2013, but was not reported until January 15, 2014, this incident would reject if your agency’s “Base Date” is December 1, 2013. This incident would not have been reported on your Return A (or whatever other forms would be applicable) for the month of November or for the month of December of 2013.

If your agency submits this incident to LIBRS with an incident date of 11/15/2013, it would REJECT. It would reject because the Incident Date is prior to the date your agency’s data is being kept by the LIBRS and NIBRS databases.

Since this incident CANNOT be accepted into LIBRS and has not been reported to UCR summary, an adjustment would have to be made on UCR Summary forms that apply.

Cleared Exceptionally (4)

Description: Indicates whether the incident was cleared exceptionally. Note that Clearance of a single Offense will clear the entire Incident, as this data element is present in Segment 10 (Administrative Segment), of which there is only one for each Incident.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Cannot be blank, if the Incident is not Cleared Exceptionally then you should use ‘N’.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This is a required Data Element, and it cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied value was not a known value. Must be a code that is found on the List of Available Data Element Values 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 If an Exceptional Clearance Date (DE 5) is not entered, then Cleared Exceptionally (DE 4) should have a Value of ‘N’ 11053 VALUE ENTERED CONFLICTS WITH PRESENCE OF AN ENTRY IN EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE DATE
4 Administrative Segment (10) submitted with an Action Type of ‘W’ (Time Window Submission) cannot contain an ‘N’ (Not Applicable) in Cleared Exceptionally (DE 4). 11054 CLEARED EXCEPTIONALLY CANNOT CONTAIN ‘N’ WITH SEGMENT ACTION TYPE ‘W’
5 If an Incident has been Cleared Exceptionally, then by definition it cannot have been cleared by an arrest. The Incident should either not be Cleared Exeptionally, or not include an Arrest. 10071 CANNOT HAVE ARRESTS IF CLEARED EXCEPTIONALLY


Allowed Entries

Enter one code per incident.

Cleared Exceptionally Indicators
A  -  Death of Offender
B  -  Prosecution Declined
C  -  Extradition Denied
D  -  Victim Refused to Cooperate
E  -  Juvenile / No Custody
O  -  Other (Administrative Closing)
N  -  Not Applicable


Example Number Description
1 A kidnapper holding a hostage killed himself when the building in which he barricaded himself was surrounded by police. The kidnaping is cleared exceptionally under, ‘Death of the Offender’.

Exceptional Cleared Date (5)

Description: The Exceptional Clearance Date is the date that the Agency was made aware that an Incident has been cleared by exceptional measures (EG: If cleared by Death of Offender, it is not the Offenders date of Death, but rather when the Agency was made aware that the case was no longer active because of it). If The Incident is not Cleared by Exceptional Means, then this Data Element should remain blank. Do not fill it with all Zero’s or any placeholder characters other than Blank Spaces.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date in the MMDDYYYY Format. If the Incident is not Cleared Exceptionally, then this Data Element should be Blank Spaces, otherwise this Data Element should be present.



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for the Exceptional Clearance Date (DE 5) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format, and is not a date later than the reporting date. Additionally this value cannot be all zeros, it must be a real date. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 The Exceptional Clearance Date (DE 5) cannot be earlier than the Incident Date (DE 3). 11055 EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE DATE PREDATES INCIDENT DATE
3 Administrative Segments (10) submitted ith an Action Type of ‘W’ (Time-Window Submission) or ‘M’ (Modify) cannot have an Exceptional Clearance Date (DE 5) earlier than the date the ORI was certified for LIBRS submission. 11074 EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE DATE PREDATES DATE ORI WENT IBR


Example Number Description
1 The incident was cleared on the books of the reporting agency on May 27. It was entered into the local computer on June 6, 2019, and was submitted to LIBRS sometime in July of 2019. The date ‘05272019’ should be entered into this data element.

Offense Sequence Number (L6)

Description: The Offense Sequence Number is a Uniquely Identifying Value between 001 and 999 that is used throughout the LIBRS Data Segments to identify which particular Offense is being referenced for validation purposes. Each Offense Segment (Segment 20) in an Incident should contain a unique Sequence Number.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Cannot be blank and should always be a three-digit number, front-padded with zeros as needed (EG Offense Sequence Number 1 of the Incident would be 001)


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offense Sequence Number (DE L6) is a required Data Element and cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Offense Sequence Number (DE L6) cannot be repeated for multiple Segment 20’s (Offense Segment) in an Incident. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
3 Offense Sequence Number (DE L6) should be a numeric entry, front-padded with zeros to make a three-digit number between 001 and 999. EG: 001, 002, 010 for Sequence Numbers 1, 2, and 10. 15002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY

Offense Sequence Number Reference (L6R)

Description: Offense Sequence Number Reference is used in Segment 33 to relate Properties and Offenses together. It has to match one of the Offense Sequence Numbers (DE L6) that are present in the Segment 20(s) of the Incident, and since it’s used to relate Properties to Offenses, the same L6R can be used in Multiple Segment 33’s to relate multiple Properties to the Offense.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric, front-padded with Zeros to make a three-digit number (EG Sequence Number 1 would be 001). Must be included in each Segment 33 of the Incident and cannot be left blank or all zeros (000).


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offense Sequence Number Reference (DE L6R) is required for each Property/Offense Relationship Segment (Segment 33) present in the Incident; It cannot be blank. 90021 OFFENSE SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE PRESENT–CANNOT BE BLANK
2 Offense Sequence Number Reference (DE L6R) should be a numeric entry, front-padded with zeros to make a three-digit number. EG: 001, 002, 010 for Sequence Numbers 1, 2, and 10. 90022 OFFENSE SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE NUMBER ENTRY WITH ZERO LEFT - FILL
3 Offense Sequence Number Reference (DE L6R) must match the Offense Sequence Number (DE L6) of one of the Offense Segments (Segment 20) submitted in the incident. 90025 OFFENSE SEQUENCE NUMBER DOES NOT MATCH ANY PROVIDED OFFENSES’ SEQUENCE NUMBERS


Louisiana Revised Statute (6)

Description: The Louisiana Revised Statute (LRS) Code is the State Statute that and Offender is being charged and/or Arrested for. The Master LRS List contains the list of all available LRS Codes that LIBRS is able to have reported to it. Each of these LRS Codes have NIBRS Code(s) associated with them. This allows Officers to report the crime how they intended to the FBI. EG: LRS 14:59/A9 is used to denote that someone shot a firearm at a train. Depending on the circumstances, the Officer may want to report this crime as a Weapons Violation (520) or as a Descrution of Property/Vandalism (290).

LRS Codes also have Subparts and Qualifiers that can be associated with them. These, similarly to the NIBRS Code, allow the Officer to more descriptively report what happened for Statutes that have a broad stroke of ways that it could be violated. More information on Subparts and Qualifiers is below.

Data Characteristics: 12 Character Alpha. Cannot be left blank and can only contain one (1) Hyphen (-).

Format: TT:SSSS.S/P-I

  Louisiana Revised Statute Format
TT Title
SSSS.S Section
PPP/I Subpart, or
Subpart with Qualifier, or
Qualifier, or
Juvenile Qualifier, and An Inchoate Modifier, if applicable, would be indicated
by a dash with a data value behind the LRS Code that defines the offense.**


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 LRS Code (DE 6) is missing. This is a required Data Element. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Must be a valid code on Master LIBRS/LRS Code Table. Check the Master LRS List for available codes to use. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 Due to the addition of Inchoates (DE 70) Each LRS Code is only permitted to have one ‘-‘ in it, which is used to designate the Inchoate Value. 22086 ONLY ONE DASH ‘-‘ ALLOWED PER LRS OFFENSE

Qualifiers and Subparts

Qualifiers and Subparts are additional information that is added to the tail-end of an LRS Code to give more definition about it whenever a statute contains multiple cases that could be reported as different NIBRS Codes. For instance, LRS 14:67 is generally used for Theft, however the item that is being stolen can cause the NIBRS Code that should be used to change (EG: A 14:67 with a 240 NIBRS Code is for if a vehicle is stolen, while a 14:67 with a 23H)


Example Number Description
1 When 14:42 is submitted as a Louisiana Revised Statute LRS (6), LIBRS will need Qualifiers to determine if the offense should be classified as a forcible rape or as a forcible sodomy. If the offense is submitted as a 14:42/V, this would translate to a forcible rape offense, whereas if this offense is submitted as a 14:42/A this would translate to a forcible sodomy offense.

Without any Qualifiers, LIBRS has no way to determine which offense this LRS should be reported as, and the entire incident would be rejected. The agency will receive the following error message: ‘This LRS Code must be submitted with a Qualifier to define offense applicable.’
2 If an incident involved a robbery (14:64) and a forcible rape (14:42.1/V), two LRS offenses should be submitted. The 14:64 does not require any Qualifier, but the 14:42.1 does require a Qualifier.
3 If two females were raped in an incident, two LRS offenses should be submitted for rape: One LRS should be reported for each victim – in this case, both LRS codes should be submitted as 14:42.1/V for Victim 001 and 14:42.1/V for Victim 002)
4 14:90/G – “G” refers to a Qualifier (see Qualifier List) and would be reported to the FBI as the offense of Betting/Wagering (NIBRS 39A).
5 If the LRS offense is Aggravated Assault (14:87.2/F) and the Offender or the Arrestee was responsible for Accessory After the Fact then the agency would submit the following: 14:87.2/F-A. This will be reported to the FBI as an Aggravated Assault, Accessory After the Fact as the offense and for LIBRS reporting this will be considered as All Other Offenses (NIBRS 90Z).

Refer to the Master LIBRS/LRS Code Table to determine:

Warning Messages will be returned for the following LRS codes:

LRS Code Description Warning Number Warning Message
14:32.1 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as Driving Under the Influence (NIBRS 90D) 22025 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE(90 D)
14:44.1 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as Kidnaping (NIBRS 100) 22030 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS KIDNAPPING(100)
14:60 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as a Robbery (NIBRS 120) 22130 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS A ROBBERY (120)
14:65.1 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as a Purse Snatching (NIBRS 23B) 22035 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS PURSE - SNATCHING(23 B)
14:70.4 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as a Credit Card/Automatic Teller Machine Fraud (NIBRS 26B) 22135 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS CREDIT CARD / AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE FRAUD (26B)
14:70.5 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as Bribery (NIBRS 510) 22140 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS BRIBERY (510)
14:93 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as a Family Offense Nonviolent (NIBRS 90F) 22040 WARNING THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS A FAMILY OFFENSE NONVIOLENT(90 F)
14:107.1 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as All Other Offenses (NIBRS 90Z) 22045 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS ALL OTHER OFFENSE(90 Z)
14:129.1 With no Qualifier will be reported to the FBI as a Simple Assault (NIBRS 13B) 22050 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER IS REPORTED AS SIMPLE ASSAULT(13 B)

Hard-Coded Edits for LRS Codes Without a Property Description-Based Qualifier:

LRS Code Description Warning Number Warning Message
14:67 When LRS 14:67 is submitted with no Qualifier AND Property Description (DE 15) is “38”, the offense will be reported to the FBI as Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts (NIBRS 23G) 22060 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER AND DE #15 = ‘38’ WILL BE REPORTED AS THEFT OF MOTO VEHICLE PARTS (23G). IF THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CODE, RESUBMIT WITH CORRECT CODE
14:67 When submitted with no Qualifier AND Property Description (DE 15) is other than: ‘03’, ‘04’, ‘05’, ‘24’, ‘28’, ‘37’ or ‘38’, the Offense will be reported as Motor Vehicle Theft (NIBRS 240) 22065 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER AND DE #15 = ‘03’, ‘05’, ‘24’, ‘28’, OR ‘37’ WILL BE REPORTED AS MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (240).IF THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CODE, RESUBMIT WITH CORRECT CODE
14:67 When LRS 14:67 is submitted with no Qualifier AND Property Description (DE 15) is “04”, the offense will be reported as Theft of a Bicycle 22070 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED WITHOUT A QUALIFIER AND DE #15 = ‘04’ WILL BE REPORTED AS THEFT OF A BICYCLE. IF THIS IS NOT THE CORRRECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CODE, RESUBMIT WITH CORRECT CODE.
14:68 When LRS 14:68 is submitted AND Property Description (DE 15) is “03”, “05”, “24”, “28” or “37”, Motor Vehicle Theft (NIBRS 240) 22072 WARNING - THIS LRS SUBMITTED AND DE #15 = ‘03’, ‘05’, ‘24’, ‘28’, OR ‘37’ WILL BE REPORTED AS MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (240). IF THIS IS NOT THE CORRECT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CODE, RESUBMIT WITH CORRECT CODE.

Allowed Entries for Juvenile Qualifiers:

LIBRS accepts the following juvenile specific reportable offenses that are NOT part of the list of LRS codes. Agency should submit the following codes in this data element for juvenile specific offenses:

LRS Code Description NIBRS Crime Against
JU:CUR Juvenile Curfew Violations will be reported to the FBI as Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy violations 90B Society
JU:RUN Juvenile Runaways will be reported to the FBI under Runaways offense 90I Society - Not a crime
JU:TRU Juvenile Truancy will be reported to the FBI as All Other Offenses 90Z Society - Not a Crime
JU:UNG Juvenile Ungovernables will be reported to the FBI under Disorderly Conduct Offense 90C Society

LRS Qualifiers List

Qualifiers must be associated with the LRS codes as shown in the LIBRS/LRS Master Code Table. Only the combinations shown in the table below qualify as a valid entry in Data Element # 6 (LRS of Offense) and Data Element # 45 (LRS of Arrest Offense). An agency CANNOT append these Qualifiers to any LRS Code to classify offense to be reported, unless it is a valid LRS Code combination as classified on the LIBRS/LRS Master Code Table.

Qualifier Description NIBRS Description NIBRS Code Crime Against
AA Vehicular Homicide with Intent to Kill Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter 09A Person
A Anal penetration - Anal sexual intercourse with another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the persons will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity Forcible Sodomy 11B Person
B Theft from Building - A theft from within a building which is either open to the general public or where the offender has legal access. Theft from Building 23D Property
C Theft from Coin Operated Machine - Theft from a machine or device which is operated or activated by the use of coins. Theft from Coin Operated Machine 23E Property
D Drug/Narcotic Violations - Offender unlawfully distributes or dispenses a controlled dangerous substance to a recipient or to another who subsequently distributes or dispenses such controlled dangerous substance, which is the direct cause of the death of the person who ingested or consumed the controlled dangerous substance. Drug/Narcotic Violations 35A Society
E Embezzlement - Unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control. Embezzlement 270 Property
F Actual Force Used Against a Victim or Threat of Force Displaying a Weapon - Might be used to determine if a purse snatching is to be reported as Strong Arm Robbery 14:65.1/F, or as Larceny Theft 14:65.1 Aggravated Assault, Person, or Robbery 13A or 120 Person
FR Fraud - False Pretense/Swindle/Confidence Game Intentional misrepresentation of existing fact or condition, or the use of some other deceptive scheme or device, to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. False Pretense/Swindle/Confidence Game 26A Property
G Betting and Wagering - To unlawfully stake money or something else of value on the happening of an uncertain event or on the ascertainment of a fact in dispute. Betting/Wagering 39A Society
H Inhabited Dwelling - Structure occupied as a place of settled residence or habitat lived in regularly or routinely. Arson reporting Arson 200 Property
I Immovable Structures - Fixed permanent or immovable things; include house trailer or houseboat if used as permanent dwelling.

Burglary: Unlawful entry into a building or other structure with intent to commit a felony or a theft

Trespass of Real Property: To unlawfully enter land, a dwelling, or other real property
Burglary or Trespass of Real Property 220 or 90J Property or Society
J Self Inflicted Serious Bodily Injuries All Other Offenses 90Z Person
JU:CUR Juvenile Curfew Violations - will be reported to the FBI as curfew/loitering/ vagrancy violations Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations 90B Society
JU:RUN Juvenile Runaways - will be reported to the FBI under Runaways offense Runaway 90I Society - Not a Crime
JU:TRU Juvenile Truancy - Absent from school without permission. All Other Offenses 90Z Society - Not a Crime
JU:UNG Juvenile Ungovernables - will be reported to the FBI as Disorderly Conduct Disorderly Conduct 90C Society
K Pocket Picking - Theft of articles from another person’s physical possession by stealth where the victim usually does not become immediately aware of the theft Pocket Picking 23A Property
L Murder and Non Negligent Manslaughter - Willful nonnegligent killing of one human being by another human being live born not an embryo or fetus in utero Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter 09A Person
M Movable Structures - Tents, boats, airplanes, lawnmowers, hand tools, farm and construction equipment, etc… not permanent dwellings Larceny Theft - All Other Larceny 23H Property
N Rubbing/Touching - No actual penetration ‘indecent liberties’, ‘child molesting’, no elements of 11A, 11B or 11C were applicable Forcible Fondling 11D Person
0 Oral Intercourse - Oral sexual intercourse with another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will. Or, not forcibly or against the persons will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity Forcible Sodomy 11B Person
P Sexual Assault With an Object - To use an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will. Or, not forcibly or against the persons will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity Sexual Assault With an Object 11C Person
Q Victim Had Offender Inflict Serious Bodily Injuries to Him/Her - Victim made the offender inflict injuries to his/her person no intent on part of the offender Aggravated Assault 13A Person
R Operating/Assisting Gambling - To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a game of chance Operating/Promoting/ Assisting Gambling 39B Property
S Shoplifting - The theft, by someone other than an employee of the victim, of goods or merchandise exposed for sale Shoplifting 23C Property
T Threat of Force Used Against the Victim - No weapons and no physical attack used in this threat Intimidation 13C Person
U Uninhabited Dwelling - Structures uninhabited or abandoned or not normally in use. Arson reporting Arson 200 Property
V Vaginal Penetration - With force or without force where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of youth or because of temporary or permanent mental incapacity Forcible Rape 11A Person
W Fetal Death - Human embryo or fetus in utero All Other Offenses 90Z Society
X Falsified Records by Forgery or Counterfeiting - Altering, copying, or imitation of something, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy or thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine. Or, the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated thing with the intent to deceive or defraud Counterfeiting/Forgery 250 Property
Y Destroyed Records or Property Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property 290 Property
Z Theft from a Motor Vehicle - Theft of articles from motor vehicle whether locked or unlocked Theft from a Motor Vehicle 23F Property

Agency Supplied NIBRS Code (N6)

Description: The NIBRS Code that the Agency Supplies is what drives LIBRS Validation. The LRS Code is important to us for analytics purposes, however we use the NIBRS Code to effectively categroize LRS Codes into kinds of offenses, and then perform validation based on which category the LRS Code falls into.

The NIBRS Code also allows Officers to report Offenses in a more specific manner without having to go through the trouble of Subparts and Qualifiers.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character AlphaNumeric. Check here for a list of the current NIBRS Codes.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied value was not recognized. Please ensure that the supplied NIBRS Code is valid. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 All Offenses must have a valid NIBRS Code submitted with them. In the past, LIBRS would make an assumption based on a ‘Default’ NIBRS Code associated with each LRS Code. This is not longer in practice, and therefore each Offense must now contain an Agency Submitted NIBRS Code. 90034 MUST PROVIDE A NIBRS CODE
23 The NIBRS Code that you’ve selected for this LRS Code was marked as Expired before the Incident Date of this Incident. Please select a Different NIBRS Code. 86754 CHOSEN NIBRS MAPPING IS EXPIRED AS OF INCIDENT DATE

Offense Attempted/Completed (7)

Description: Attempted/Completed is how to designate whether or not an Offense occurred to completion, or was merely attempted by the Offender. For instance, an Offender tries to steal a car, but is caught in the act by the police. Since the Offender didn’t succeed in stealing the car, this offense would be Attempted.

The only thing to note about this is that Attempted Murder (Attempted 09A) should be reported as a Completed Aggravated Assault (Completed 13A). NIBRS does not allow for 09A Offenses to be Attempted, so instead it should be reported as a Completed Aggravated Assault – Otherwise, the Offense is reported in the standard fashion.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Cannot be left blank, and must have a value of either:


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is missing. This is a required Data Element. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied value was not recognized. The only valid codes that can be used are ‘A’ (Attempted) or ‘C’ (Completed). 12051 INVALID CODE


Allowed Entries

Enter one code per incident.

Offense Attempted/Completed
A  -  Attempted
C  -  Completed


Example Number Description
1 During the same incident, Victim Number One (001) was raped and the Offender attempted to rape Victim Number Two (002), but had to leave the scene before the act was consummated due to the arrival of the police.

Offense 001 should be entered as Aggravated Rape (LRS 14:42/V) and have Completed (‘C’) entered in Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7). Offense 002 should also be entered as Aggravated Rape (LRS 14:42/V), but will have Attempted (‘A’) entered in Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7).

Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (8)

Description: Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation gives more context to the Offenses that are being reported. It tells us if an Offender is suspected of being on Drugs/Narcotics or has consumed Alcohol either during or shortly before the Incident Occurred. It also gives context of whether Computer Equipment was used to perpetrate the Crime, and if a Gaming/Gambling activity was a motivating factor in committing the crime.

Data Characteristics: Up to 4x, 1 Character Alpha. If you use ‘N’, then you cannot use any other values, and values cannot repeat (EG: AAGG and CGN are both invalid combinations). At least one value is required to be present, but the other three slots are optional and can be left blank if nothing else applies. If another value does apply, then the mutual exclusivity and duplicate rules need to be followed.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (DE 8) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 When more than one value is present, the same value is not allowed to be repeated. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
4 Value ‘N - Not Applicable’ is mutually exclusive with any other value. No other values should be included if ‘N’ is used. 12007 ERROR - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE VALUES USED


Allowed Entries

Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation
A  -  Alcohol
C  -  Computer Equipment
D  -  Drugs/Narcotics
G  -  Gaming Activity Motive for Crime
N  -  Not Applicable (LIBRS Only)


Example Number Description
1 Witness to an assault reported that the Victim and Offender were in a bar drinking beer when an argument broke out and the Offender attacked the Victim with a knife. Alcohol (‘A’) should be entered in Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (DE 8).
2 A computer ‘hacker’ used his personal computer and the Internet to gain access to a company’s computer system and steal proprietary data. Computer Equipment (‘C’) should be entered in Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (DE 8).
3 Offender robbed a bank and a police officer arrested him while trying to leave the bank. Under questioning, the Offender told the officer he needed money because he lost $10,000 that morning at the river boat casino. The officer also smelled alcohol on his breath. Both Alcohol (‘A’) and Gaming Activity Motive for Crime (‘G’) should be entered into Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (DE 8).

Bias Motivation/Bias Crime Type (8A)

Description: Bias Motivation/Crime Type gives insight into the motivation behind an Offender committing a crime. For instance, if the Offender committed the crime because of the Race or Religion of the Victim, that should be noted here.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Must be present and can’t be blank. If there is no reason to suspect the Offender had a Bias Type against the Victim use ‘88’ for None, but if not enough information is known about the Offender to determine whether or not a Bias Type was a factor in them committing the crime, use ‘99’ for Unknown.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Bias/Motivation Type (DE 8A) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Must be a valid code that is found on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


List of Allowed Entries for DE 8A is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

Enter only one code for each Offender Segment (40):

Bias Motivation/Bias Crime Type
11  -  Anti-White
12  -  Anti-Black or African American
13  -  Anti-American Indian / Alaskan Native
14  -  Anti-Asian
15  -  Anti-Multiple Races, Group
16  -  Anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
31  -  Anti-Arab
32  -  Anti-Hispanic or Latino
33  -  Anti-Other Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry

21  -  Anti-Jewish
22  -  Anti-Catholic
23  -  Anti-Protestant
24  -  Anti-Islamic (Muslim)
25  -  Anti-Other Religion
26  -  Anti-Multiple Religions, Group
27  -  Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism
28  -  Anti-Mormon
29  -  Anti-Jehovah’s Witness
81  -  Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other)
82  -  Anti-Other Christian
83  -  Anti-Buddhist
84  -  Anti-Hindu
85  -  Anti-Sikh

Sexual Orientation
41  -  Anti-Gay (Male)
42  -  Anti-Lesbian (Female)
43  -  Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (Mixed Group)
44  -  Anti-Heterosexual
45  -  Anti-Bisexual

51  -  Anti-Physical Disability
52  -  Anti-Mental Disability

61  -  Anti-Male
62  -  Anti-Female

Gender Identity
71  -  Anti-Transgender
72  -  Anti-Gender Non-Conforming

88  -  None (No Bias)
99  -  Unknown (Offender’s Motivation Not Known)

Location Type (9)

Description: Location Type is used as a broad-strokes description of the Location in which an Incident Occurred. It’s not meant to give particular location information about the location that an Incident occurred (EG: the Exact Address), but rather a short code that can be used for analytics purposes.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Must be included and can’t be blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Location Type (DE 9) is missing. This is a required Data Element. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


List of Allowed Entries for DE 9 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code per Offense Segment:

Location Type
01  -  Air, Bus, Train or Terminal
02  -  Bank, Savings and Loan (incl. other Financial Institutions)
03  -  Bar or Night Club
04  -  Church, Synagogue or Temple (includes other Religious Buildings..)
05  -  Commercial or Office Building
06  -  Construction Site
07  -  Convenience Store
08  -  Department or Discount Store
09  -  Drug Store, Doctor's Office or Hospital (includes Medical Supply Building)
10  -  Field or Woods
11  -  Government or Public Building
12  -  Grocery or Supermarket
13  -  Highway, Road or Alley (includes Street)
14  -  Hotel, Motel, Etc. (includes Temporary Lodgings)
15  -  Jail or Prison
16  -  Lake or Waterway
17  -  Liquor Store
18  -  Parking lot/Garage
19  -  Rental storage Facility
20  -  Residence/Home
21  -  Restaurant
22  -  School
23  -  Service or Gas Station
24  -  Specialty Store (incl. Fur Store, Jewelry Store, TV Store, Dress Shop, etc.)
25  -  Other or Unknown (use only if no other code applies)
37  -  Abandoned or Condemned Structure
38  -  Amusement Park
39  -  Arena, Stadium, Fairgrounds or Coliseum
40  -  ATM Separate from Bank
41  -  Auto Dealership (New or Used)
42  -  Camp or Campground
44  -  Daycare Facility
45  -  Dock, Wharf, Freight or Modal Terminal
46  -  Farm Facility
47  -  Gambling Facility, Casino or Race Track
48  -  Industrial Site
49  -  Military Installation
50  -  Park or Playground
51  -  Rest Area
52  -  School: College or University
53  -  School: Elementary or Secondary
54  -  Shelter: Mission or Homeless
55  -  Shopping Mall
56  -  Tribal Lands
57  -  Community Center
58  -  Cyberspace


Example Number Description
1 An assault started in a bar (‘03’), continued into an adjoining parking lot (‘18’), and ended in the street (‘13’). As the bar was the location where the offense was initiated and best describes the circumstances of the crime, Bar/Night Club (‘03’) should be entered.
2 Two Offenders robbed a bar. One of the Offenders raped a female customer in the bar while the other Offender stood at the door with a gun. In this case, there is one incident, with two offenses: robbery and forcible rape. The location of the robbery would be Bar/Night Club (‘03’), and the location of the forcible rape would also be Bar/Night Club (‘03’).

Number of Premises Entered (10)

Description: Number of Premises Entered is only to be used if the Incident contains a NIBRS 220 (Burglary) Offense, and the Location Type (DE 9) is 14 or 19. It is the number of individual/separate dwellings or units that were stolen from in the 220 Offense. For instance, a single Hotel may have been burgled, but a dozen units in that hotel were stolen from. Rather than 12 Offenses with the same location, you should use one Offense with a 12 in this Data Element.

This Data Element should be left blank if the 220 Offense did not happen in a Hotel/Motel or Storage Facility, because these are the only two Location Types that can contain multiple, separate dwellings/units at the same address (Apartments each have an Apartment Number that you can send mail to, and therefore can be considered to be different places for the Time and Place consideration).

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Numeric. If the described conditions don’t apply, then this value should be left as Blank Spaces (G). Otherwise it should include a two digit number, using 01, 02, 03, etc… for single-digit numbers.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Must be numeric entry of 01-99, if entered. 12002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY
2 In order for Number of Premises Entered (DE 10) to have a value, Location Type (DE 9) must either be Hotel/Motel/Etc. (‘14’) or Rental Storage Facility (‘19’), and must be related to an Offense Code of 220. 12052 OFFENSE CODE MUST BE BURGLARY WITH LOCATION TYPE OF 14, 19 FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED



Example Number Description
1 A ‘self-storage’ building was burglarized and 11 rented storage compartments were forcibly entered. The number ‘11’ (for eleven compartments) should be entered into Number of Premises Entered (DE 10).

Method of Entry (11)

Description: Method of Entry should only be used when there is an Offense Type of NIBRS 220. Unlike Number of Premises Entered (DE 10), there is no restriction on if it can only be used with certain Location Types. Any location Type that is valid for use in a Burglary should include this Data Element. The available values are ‘F’ for Forced Entry (breaking of a window or door to gain access) and ‘N’ for Non-Forced Entry (picking a lock or going through an open window to gain access).

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Should be left blank unless the NIBRS Code is a 220 (Burglary) Offense.


Requirment Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 If Offense is not a NIBRS 220 Offense, then Method of Entry (DE 11) should not have a value. 12054 MUST BE BLANK WHEN OFFENSE IS OTHER THAN (BURGLARY)


Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code per Offense Segment:

Location Type
F  -  Force
N  -  No Force


Example Number Description
1 Investigation of a burglary complaint disclosed that the Offender(s) entered the building through an unlocked street door, then forced a locked door to an office and stole a typewriter. Since one door was forced, the Method of Entry should be entered as Force (“F”).

Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (12)

Type of Criminal Activity and Gang Information are combined into a single Data Element. This portion is split into two sections to outline the requirements for each. Which aspect of the Data Element should be used is dependent on the NIBRS Code of the Offense.

Type of Criminal Activity Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (12)

Description: Type of Criminal Activity is used to add context to Offenses for when they’re passed on to the FBI. For instance, a 35A Offense could just as easily be a single person with some Marijuana on them, or a major drug bust with millions of Dollars of narcotics involved. Adding a value here gives the FBI that context when it comes to Offenses that can be open-ended like that.

Data Characteristics: Up to 3x, 1 Character Alpha. If none apply, then leave this Data Element blank. If more than one apply, then make sure that there aren’t any duplicate values being reported (EG: BBB).

Requirements (Criminal Activity):

The following requirements are for Type of Criminal Activity Only:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 When more than one value is present, the same value is not allowed to be repeated. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
3 This Data Element must and can only contain a value if it is associated with an Offense with one of the following NIBRS Codes: 12019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
4 Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12) MUST have a valid code and cannot be None when NIBRS Offense Code is 720. 90031 WHEN THE OFFENSE WITH NIBRS = 720;CRIMINAL ACTIVITY(DE 12) MUST BE A VALID CODE AND IT CANNOT BE NONE;VALID CODES FOR THE ENTRY AT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY(DE 12) = ‘A’ ‘F’ ‘I’ ‘S’

List of Allowed Entries for DE 12 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries (Criminal Activity)

Up to three (3) of the following Type of Criminal Activity Codes can be entered for applicable Offenses.

Type of Criminal Activity Codes
B  -  Buying / Receiving
C  -  Cultivation / Manufacturing / Publishing
D  -  Distribution / Selling
E  -  Exploiting Children
I  -  Possession with Intent to Sell. Sent to NIBRS as code 'P'
O  -  Operating/Promotion/Assisting
P  -  Possessing/Concealing
T  -  Transporting/Transmitting/Importing
U  -  Using/Consuming
X  -  Other. Sent to NIBRS as code 'P'
A  -  Simple/Gross Neglect
F  -  Organised Abuse
I  -  Intentional Abuse and Torture
S  -  Animal Sexual Abuse

Examples (Criminal Activity):

Example Number Description
1 The Offenders published and sold pornographic photographs of children. Therefore, up to three types of Criminal Activity can be entered: Cultivating/Manufacture/Publishing (“C”), Distributing/Selling (“D”), and Exploiting Children (“E”).

Gang Information Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (12)

Description: Gang Information is used to add context to Offenses for when they’re passed on to the FBI, and is used with violent and more serious crimes (Rape, Murder, Robbery, Kidnapping, etc…).

Data Characteristics: Up to 3x, 1 Character Alpha. If none apply, then use ‘N’ for None/Unknown. If more than one apply, then make sure that there aren’t any duplicate values being reported (EG: JGJ). If ‘N’ for None or Unkonwn is used, then no other codes can be entered with it and the remaining two spaces for data must remain as Blank Spaces.

Requirements (Gang Activity):

The following requirements are for Gang Information Only:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This Data Element must and can only contain a value if it is associated with an Offense with one of the following NIBRS Codes: 12019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
2 Value ‘N - None or Unknown’ is mutually exclusive with any other value. No other values should be included if ‘N’ is used. 12007 ERROR - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE VALUES USED


Allowed Values

Up to three (3) of the following *Gang Activity Codes can be entered for applicable Offenses. ___

Type of Gang Information Codes
J  -  Juvenile Gang
G  -  Other Gang
N  -  None or Unknown

Examples (Gang Information):

Example Number Description
1 Two males, aged 19, were on bicycles riding through a neighborhood when they were approached by three males and forced to stop. Words were exchanged and one of the bicyclists was attacked. Each of the three attackers, one, aged 16 and the other two, aged 17, had identical tattoos on their upper arm. This marking was commonly associated with a local gang. The entry for Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information should be Juvenile Gang (“J”).

Type of Weapon/Force Involved Nos. 1, 2 and 3 (13)

Description: Type of Weapon/Force Involved allows Officers to report what kind of weapons were used by an Offender to commit an Offense. It is restricted for use with Certain NIBRS Codes (listed in Requirement 4 below). If one of these NIBRS Codes is present, then this Data Element has to have a value, otherwise it cannot have a value and should be all blanks.

Data Characteristics: Up to 3x, 3 Character Alpha/Numeric. First two characters should be a number that corresponds to the List of Available Data Element Values, and the third character is used as the Automatic Weapon Designator, which is and can only be used to designate if a Firearm was an Automatic Weapon or not. If ‘N’ for None is used, then no other Values can be included in the other slots for the Data Element.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 When more than one value is present, the same value is not allowed to be repeated. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
3 Value ‘99 - None’ is mutually exclusive with any other value. No other values should be included if ‘99’ is used. 12007 ERROR - MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE VALUES USED
4 This Data Element must and can only contain a value if it is associated with an Offense with one of the following NIBRS Codes: 12019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
5 The third character of Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) can only either be ‘A - Automatic’ or ‘ ‘ (Blank Space). 12055 AUTOMATIC INDICATOR MUST BE BLANK OR ‘A’
6 Only the following values are allowed to use the ‘A - Automatic Weapon’ indicator in Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13): 12058 WEAPON TYPE MUST = 11, 12, 13, 14, OR 15 FOR AN ‘A’ IN THE AUTO INDICATOR
7 When an Offense is a Simple Assault (NIBRS 13B), Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) may only be Personal Weapons (40), Other (90), or Unknown (95). 12065 INVALID WEAPON WITH AN OFFENSE OF SIMPLE ASSAULT (13B); ACCEPTED WEAPON CODES ARE 40, 90, 95
8 For Homicide Offenses (NIBRS 09A, 09B, or 09C), Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) cannot be None (99). Some Type of Weapon/Force Involved other than None (99) must be used in a Homicide Offense. 12067 INVALID WEAPON WITH AN OFFENSE
9 Simple Assault Offenses (NIBRS 13B) can only use Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) Values of: If the offense included one of the following Weapon Types, it should be reported as an Aggravated Assault (13A): 12069 POSSIBLE CLASSIFICATION ERROR OF AGGRAVATED ASSAULT ‘13A’ CODED AS SIMPLE ‘13B’
10 A NIBRS 13A Offense must have at least one Type of Weapon/Force Used (DE 13) entered with it. 13100 NIBRS 13A OFFENSE REQUIRES TYPE OF WEAPON/FORCE (DE 13)
11 If the Offense is a NIBRS 13A (Aggravated Assault), Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) cannot be None (99), and the Type of Injury (DE 33) must be something other than None (N) 90036 INVALID TYPE OF WEAPON / FORCE INVOLVED WITH AN OFFENSE OF NIBRS = 13 A;WEAPON / FORCE INVOLVED CANNOT BE NONE WITH THE INJURY TYPE OTHER THAN NONE


List of Allowed Entries for DE 13 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

Can enter up to three (3) codes for each offense:

Types of Weapon/Force Involved
11  -  Firearm (type not stated)
12  -  Handgun
13  -  Rifle
14  -  Shotgun
15  -  Other Firearm
20  -  Knife or Cutting Instrument
30  -  Blunt Object
35  -  Motor Vehicle / Vessel (When used as a weapon)
40  -  Personal Weapons
50  -  Poison
60  -  Explosives
65  -  Fire or Incendiary Device
70  -  Drugs, Narcotics or Sleeping Pills
85  -  Asphyxiation
90  -  Other
95  -  Unknown
99  -  None (Mutually Exclusive to any other value)


Example Number Description
1 Three robbers held up a bank. One was armed with a revolver, the second had a sawed-off shotgun, and the third had an automatic machine gun. The entries would be: Handgun (‘12’), Shotgun (‘14’) and Other Automatic Firearm (‘15A’).

Property Sequence Number (P1)

Description: Property Sequence Number is a uniquely identifying number for each Property that’s included in the Incident. It is used to link Properties to Offenses in Segment 33’s. The same Property Sequence Number can be used Multiple Times across Segment 33’s in an Incident, because it’s possible for a Property to be involved in more than one Offense.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Must be front-padded with zeros to make a three-digit number (EG: 1 would be 001). Must be unique for each Segment 31.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Property Sequence Number (DE P1) cannot be repeated across multiple Segment 31’s (Property Description Segment) in an Incident. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
2 Property Sequence Number (DE P1) is a required field for each Segment 31 (Property Description Segment) present in the Incident. 90019 PROPERTY SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE PRESENT–CANNOT BE BLANK
3 Property Sequence Number (DE P1) should be a three-digit numeric value between 001 and 999, front-padded with Zero’s. EG: A Sequence Number of 1 would be 001. 90020 PROPERTY SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE NUMBER ENTRY WITH ZERO LEFT - FILL


Property Sequence Number Reference (P1R)

Description: Property Sequence Number Reference is only used in Segment 33 to link Properties to Offenses. It should be present in each Segment 33 in the Incident, and should refernce the value of one of the Property Seqence Numbers (DE P1) in the Property Description Segments (Segment 31).

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Must be front-padded with zeros to make a three-digit number (EG: 1 would be 001). May repeat across multiple Segment 33’s, as a single property can be involved in more than one Offense.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Property Sequence Number Reference (DE P1R) is a required field for each Segment 33 (Property/Offense Relationship Segment) present in the Incident. 90019 PROPERTY SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE PRESENT–CANNOT BE BLANK
2 Property Sequence Number Reference (DE P1R) should be a three-digit numeric value between 001 and 999, front-padded with Zero’s. EG: A Sequence Number of 1 would be 001. 90020 PROPERTY SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE NUMBER ENTRY WITH ZERO LEFT - FILL
3 Property Sequence Number Reference (DE P1R) must match the Property Sequence Number (DE P1) of one of the Property Description Segments (Segment 31) submitted in the incident. 90024 PROPERTY SEQUENCE NUMBER DOES NOT MATCH ANY PROVIDED PROPERTIES’ SEQUENCE NUMBERS


Type of Property Loss (14)

Description: Type of Property Loss is used to describe the condition of a Property that’s associated with in an Offense. The usage of values for Property Loss Type is limited to the NIBRS Code of the Offense that the Property is associated with, as well as whether or not the Offense was Attempted or Completed. You can see the full list of what Loss Types you can use with which NIBRS Codes on the Allowable Property Loss Types By NIBRS Table.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Numeric. Mandatory for each Segment 31 (Property Description Segment) that is included in the Incident.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 For every Property Description Segment (Segment 31) having a Type of Property Loss (DE 14) of ‘5 - Recovered’, there must also be a corresponding Segment 31 having the same Property Description (DE 15) code and a Type of Property Loss of 7 - Stolen/Etc’.

This rule does not apply to:
  • NIBRS Offense codes of 280 and 250.
  • When a Property Description of Vehicle Parts/Accessories ('38') is subsequently reported as Recovered when a vehicle was stolen, so long as the individual parts within a vehicle were not reported as Stolen.
2 When one of the following NIBRS Codes is used and the Offense is ‘A - Attempted’, then the Property Loss Type (DE 14) can only be ‘1 - None’ or ‘8 - Unknown’: 10077 NEED A PROPERTY LOSS CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’ WHEN THIS OFFENSE IS ATTEMPTED
3 The Type of Property Loss Code (DE 14) must be applicable to Offense(s) submitted. Refer to the List of Available Values for the correct values to use for each of the offenses. 10081 THIS PROPERTY LOSS CODE CANNOT EXIST WITH THE OFFENSES SUBMITTED
4 Property Loss Type (DE 14) is a mandatory Data Element that must be a numeric value between 1 and 8. Check the List of Available Data Element Values for the available values and their definitions 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
5 Type of Property Loss (DE 14) should only be entered for Offenses with a NIBRS Code that is one of the following: 13019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
6 When Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is None (1) or Unknown (8), then Data Elements 15 through 22 must be left blank for all Offenses except for NIBRS 35A .

When the associated NIBRS Offense Code is 35A, and the Property Loss Type (DE 14) is ‘1 - None’, then Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) must have a valid entry.


Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code for each Property Description Segment. However, as many property segments as applicable can be submitted per incident:

Types of Property Loss
1  -  None
2  -  Burned
3  -  Counterfeited or Forged
4  -  Destroyed, Damaged or Vandalized
5  -  Recovered
6  -  Seized
7  -  Stolen, Etc.
8  -  Unknown

Available Property Loss Types by NIBRS Code

To see a list of which Property Loss Types are available for each NIBRS Code based on their Attempted/Completed Status, you can find it here: List of Available DE 14 NIBRS Values

Property Description (15)

Description: Property Description is a value that corresponds to a list of the kinds of Properties that can be reported to the State and FBI.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Numeric between 01 and 99 that corresponds to a value of the List of Available Data Element Values. Required field when Property Loss Type is not 1 or 8.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Property Description (DE 15) must be a two-digit, numeric value greater than or equal to 01. Check the List of Available Data Element Values for the available values and their definitions 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Property Description is a required Data Element for all Property Description Segments (Segment 31) that do not contain a Property Loss Type (DE 14) of 1 or 8. 13072 MISSING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (DE 15)
3 A Property Description (DE 15) code must be entered when the value entered in Type of Property Loss/Etc. (DE 14) contains the following:
  • 2 - Burned
  • 3 - Counterfeited or Forged
  • 4 - Destroyed, Damaged or Vandalized
  • 5 - Recovered
  • 6 - Seized
  • 7 - Stolen/Etc.
4 For NIBRS 35A Offenses (Drug/Narcotic Violations), Property Description (DE 15) can only have a value of ‘10 - Drugs or Narcotics’. Similarly for NIBRS 35B Offenses (Drug Equipment Violations), Property Description (DE 15) can only have a value of ‘11 - Drug Narcotic Equipment. This rule is, however, bypassed if the property is involved in another Crime Against Property. 13087 WITH PROPERTY LOSS = 6 & ONLY DRUG OFFENSE, CANNOT HAVE A DESCRIPTION 11;OR PROPERTY LOSS = 6 & ONLY DRUG EQUIP OFNSE CANNOT HAVE DESCRIPTION 10
5 Based on the Offenses that are present in the Incident, there has been an illogical assignment of one or more Property Descriptions to one or more Offenses. Please check that your Segment 33 (Propery/Offense Relationship) Segment is both present and properly linking the Properties to the appropriate Offenses. 13090 ILLOGICAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR THE OFFENSE(S) SUBMITTED
6 While you can submit a Property that has a Loss Type of ‘7 - Stolen’ and a Description of a Vehicle with NIBRS 120 and 26A Offenses, you should not include them in the count of Stolen Vehicles (DE 18); it should be left blank (Not 00, but two blank spaces). 13101 DE 18 MUST BE BLANK (NOT 00) UNLESS INCIDENT CONTAINS A NIBRS 240 OFFENSE WITH PROPERTY THAT HAS A LOSS TYPE OF ‘7 - STOLEN’ AND DESCRIPTION OF 03, 05, 24, 28, OR 37


Allowed Entries:

Property Descriptions
01  -  Aircraft
02  -  Alcohol
03  -  Automobiles
04  -  Bicycles
05  -  Buses
06  -  Clothes or Furs
07  -  Computer Hardware or Software
08  -  Consumable Goods
09  -  Credit or Debit Cards
10  -  Drugs or Narcotics
11  -  Drug Narcotic Equipment
12  -  Farm Equipment
13  -  Firearms
14  -  Gambling Equipment
15  -  Heavy Construction or Industrial Equipment
16  -  Household Goods
17  -  Jewelry, Precious Metals
18  -  Livestock
19  -  Merchandise
20  -  Money
21  -  Negotiable Instruments
22  -  Non-negotiable Instruments
23  -  Office-type Equipment
24  -  Other Motor Vehicles
25  -  Purses, Handbags or Wallets
26  -  Radios, TVs, VCRs or Cameras
27  -  Recordings: Audio or Visual
28  -  Recreational Vehicles
29  -  Structures: Single Occupancy Dwellings
30  -  Structures: Other Dwellings
31  -  Structures: Other Commercial/Business
32  -  Structures :Industrial/Manufacturing
33  -  Structures: Public/Community
34  -  Structures: Storage
35  -  Structures: Other
36  -  Tools
37  -  Trucks
38  -  Vehicle Parts or Accessories
39  -  Watercraft
41  -  Aircraft Parts/Accessories
42  -  Artistic Supplies/Accessories
43  -  Building Materials
44  -  Camping/Hunting/Fishing Equipment/Supplies
45  -  Chemicals
46  -  Collections/Collectibles
47  -  Crops
48  -  Documents/Personal or Business
49  -  Explosives
59  -  Firearm Accessories
64  -  Fuel
65  -  Identity Documents
66  -  Identity–Intangible
67  -  Law Enforcement Equipment
68  -  Lawn/Yard/Garden Equipment
69  -  Logging Equipment
70  -  Medical/Medical Lab Equipment
71  -  Metals, Non-Precious
72  -  Musical Instruments
73  -  Pets
74  -  Photographic/Optical Equipment
75  -  Portable Electronic Communications
76  -  Recreational/Sports Equipment
77  -  Other
78  -  Trailers
79  -  Watercraft Equipment/Parts/Accessories
80  -  Weapons–Other
88  -  Pending Inventory
99  -  Special category used by the National UCR program to compile statistics.

Value of Property (16)

Description: Value of Property is the a 9-digit number that references the whole-dollar value of the Property that is described in Segment 31. For example, a property with a value of $1000 would have a Property Value of ‘000001000’.

Data Characteristics: 9 Character Numeric. Must be front-padded with Zero’s (0) to make a nine-digit number. Cannot contain any blank spaces or periods (.) to act as Decimals. All Property Values should be rounded up to the nearest whole dollar value.

Requirements :

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When a Property has been Recovered, the Property Value (DE 16) in the Property Description Segment (Segment 31) that notes it as recovered cannot have a greater value than the Property Value in the Property Description Segment that lists it as stolen. In short: A recovered property cannot be more valuable than when it was stolen. 10084 RECOVERED PROPERTY VALUE CANNOT BE GREATER THAN THE VALUE WHEN STOLEN
2 Must be numeric entry with zero left-fill. if entered. 13002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY
3 When Value of Property (DE 16) contains a value that exceeds a LIBRS assigned threshold amount, a ‘Warning’ message is created. The agency is asked to check if the value entered was a data entry error, or if it was an intended entry.

Also, a Warning message is always produced when the value is $1,000,000 or greater. For example, if the value of a property was $12,000.99 but was inadvertently entered as $1,200,099 in LIBRS submission file, a ‘Warning’ message will be generated. In this case, the cents were entered as whole dollars.
4 A value of ‘000000000’ for Property Value (DE 15) is not permitted for this Property Description (DE 15). To designate that the value is unknown, use ‘000000001’ for $1, instead. 13051 PROPERTY VALUE OF ZERO IS NOT ALLOWED
5 When Pending Inventory (‘88’) is entered, then Value of Property (DE 16) must be Unknown (‘1’, representing $1.00). One dollar is used as a quality assurance edit check that instructs LIBRS to accept the Pending Inventory (‘88’) entry. 13053 PENDING INVENTORY MUST HAVE PROPERTY VALUE OF ‘1’
6 If a Value of Property (DE 16) has a code entered, then Property Description (DE 15) must be entered. 13054 DATA ELEMENT 15 WAS NOT ENTERED, BUT VALUE ($) WAS
7 Property Value (DE 16) is a required Data Element for any Property Description (DE 15) that is not ‘10 - Drugs/Narcotics’ 13073 PROPERTY VALUE (DE 16) IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROPERTY LOSS TYPE
8 When one of the following Property Descriptions (DE 15) are used, the Property Value (DE 16) must be None (‘000000000’ or 9 Blank Spaces):
  • 09 Credit/Debit Cards
  • 22 Nonnegotiable Instruments
  • 48 Documents/Personal or Business
  • 65 Identity Documents
  • 66 Identity-Intangible
Note that in addition to those listed, 77 - Other can also have a Property Value of Zero, however unlike the others listed, it is not mandatory that it is always Zero. It can be Zero, Unkonwn (1), or an actual value.



Example Number Description
1 A man purchases a new power saw from the hardware store. Later that same day someone breaks into his truck and steals the saw. The saw was purchased for $95.73. The value of the property would be rounded to the nearest whole dollar and reported as ‘000000096’- $96.00.

Date Recovered (17)

Description: Date Recovered is the date in with a Property that was previously stolen was recovered. Any Segment 31 that has a Property Loss Type os ‘5 - Recovered’ needs to have a Date Recovered. Otherwise, the Data Element should be Blank Spaces.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date in MMDDYYYY Format. Required if Property is recovered, Blank Spaces if not.



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for Date Recovered (DE 17) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 If there are any Property Description Segments (Segment 31) that indicated that a property has been recovered, then Date Recovered (DE 17) must have a value. 13001 RECOVERY DATE MUST EXIST WHEN SEGMENT 50 CONTAINS A PROPERTY LOSS TYPE (DE 14) OF ‘5 - RECOVERED’
3 The Date Recovered (DE 17) cannot be a date and time that is earlier than when the incident occurred. 13007 CANNOT BE EARLIER THAN INCIDENT DATE/HOUR.
4 Unless Property Loss Type (DE 14) is ‘5 - Recovered’, then Date Recovered (DE 17) must not be entered. 13055 PROPERTY LOSS CODE (14) MUST = 5 (RECOVERED) FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED
5 If Date Recovered (DE 17) has a value, then both Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) must be entered. 13056 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (15) AND VALUE (16) MUST BOTH EXIST IF DATA IS PRESENT
6 Recovered Date (DE 17) cannot have a date that’s later that the Period being Reported. EG: A Recovery Date of 06/01/2020 would be invalid for the 052020 Reporting Period. 23235 DATE RECOVERED CANNOT BE GREATER THAN REPORT MONTH AND YEAR


Number of Stolen Vehicles (18)

Description: Number of Stolen Vehicles is the sum of the Segment 31’s that have a Property Description containing a Vehicle and a Property Loss Type of ‘7 - Stolen’. For it to appear in Segment 30 with any value other than Zero (0), there must be Segment 31’s present in the Incident that meet those conditions.

Data Characteristics: 2 Characters Numeric. If less than 10, a Zero (0) should be in the first character (EG: 01, 02, 03, etc…). Should always have a value when Segment 30 is present, using ‘00’ if no stolen vehicle are present in the Incident. Update 07/2021 - This should only have a value if there is a Completed 240 - MV Theft Offense in the Incident. 00 does not represent 0 stolen vehicles, rather ‘Unknown’.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Must be numeric entry with zero left-fill, if entered. EG: 1 stolen vehicle would be ‘01’. 13002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY
2 In order for Number of Stolen Vehicles (DE 18) to contain a value other than ‘0’ (Zero), the following conditions must be true:
  • The Incident contains an Offense with a NIBRS Offense Code of 240
  • Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed ('C')
Further, when these conditions are met, it is also required that Property Loss Type (DE 14) is ‘7 - Stolen’, and the Property Description for the stolen property is either:
  • 03 - Automobiles
  • 05 - Buses
  • 24 - Other Motor Vehicles
  • 28 - Recreational Vehicles
  • 37 - Trucks
3 When Number of Stolen Vehicles (DE 18) is a non-zero value, then there must be Property Description Segment(s) (Segment 31) that list a Property with a Property Loss Type (DE 14) of ‘7 - Stolen’ and one of the following Property Descriptions (DE 15) as :
  • 03 - Automobiles
  • 05 - Buses
  • 24 - Other Motor Vehicles
  • 28 - Recreational Vehicles
  • 37 - Trucks
4 In order to supply a value for Number of Stolen Vehicles or Number of Recovered Vehicles, the Incident must contain at least one 240 (MV Theft) Offense that is completed, and a Segment 31 that contains a Property Description of Vehicle, and a Loss Type of 7 - Stolen. 13050 NUMBER OF STOLEN AND NUMBER OF RECOVERED VEHICLES MUST BE LEFT BLANK BASED ON THE OFFENSES AND PROPERTIES SUPPLIED


Number of Recovered Motor Vehicles (19)

Description: The Number of Recovered Motor Vehicles, similar to DE 18, is the number of Property Description Segments (Segment 31) that have a Property Description (DE 15) that contains a Vehicle, and a Property Loss Type (DE 14) of ‘5 - Recovered’.

Data Characteristics: 2 Characters Numeric. If less than 10, a Zero (0) should be in the first character (EG: 01, 02, 03, etc…). Should always have a value when Segment 30 is present, using ‘00’ if no recovered vehicle are present in the Incident. Update 07/2021 - This should only have a value if there is a Completed 280 - Illegal Property Offense in the Incident. 00 does not represent 0 recovered vehicles, rather ‘Unknown’.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If number between 01 and 99 is entered, it must be equal to or less than the number reported Stolen in Number of Stolen Motor Vehicles (18). 10073 NUMBER OF RECOVERED VEHICLES CANNOT BE GREATER THAN THE NUMBER STOLEN
2 Must be numeric entry with zero left-fill, if entered. EG: 1 recovered vehicle would be ‘01’. 13002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY
3 When Number of Recovered Vehicles (DE 19) is a non-zero value, there must be Property Description Segment(s) (Segment 31) that have a Property Loss Type (DE 14) of ‘5 - Recovered’ for one of the following Property Descriptions (DE 15) as :
  • 03 - Automobiles
  • 05 - Buses
  • 24 - Other Motor Vehicles
  • 28 - Recreational Vehicles
  • 37 - Trucks
4 While counterintuitive, vehicles that are associated with a NIBRS 280 Offense should not counted towards DE 19, Number of Recovered Vehicles. 10079 INCORRECT COUNT FOR NUMBER OF RECOVERED VEHICLES - YOU SHOULD NOT INCLUDE RECOVERED VEHICLES ASSOCIATED WITH A NIBRS 280 IN THIS COUNT


Suspected Drug Type (20)

Description: Suspected Drug Type is a short code that is used to identify the type of Drug(s) that were found for NIBRS 35A Offenses. Should only be included when there’s a 35A Offense Involved that is Completed, and has a Property Loss Type of ‘1 - None’ or ‘6 - Seized’. Otherwise it should remain Blank Spaces.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Should be left as Blank Spaces (G) if the conditions for usage listed in the requirements is not met.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The reported Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) was not recognized. Check the List of Available Data Element Values for the available values and their definitions 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 You should not include values for Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) unless:
  • The Offense is a NIBRS 35A Offense
  • Attempted/Compelted (DE 7) is 'C - Completed'
  • the Property Loss Type is '1 - None' or '6 - Seized'
3 If the following conditions are met, then you should include Suspected Drug Type (20):
  • NIBRS Offense Code of 35A
  • Attempted/Completed (DE 7) of 'C - Completed
  • Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Seized ('6')
  • Property Description (DE 15) is Drugs/Narcotics ('10')
If there are multiple 35A Offenses, only include Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) for those who satisfy the listed conditions above.
4 Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) should be entered when:
  • The only Offense(s) that is/are reported are NIBRS 35A
  • Any of the Offenses have a Property Loss Type (DE 14) of '1 - None'
5 The second character of Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) can only be ‘X - Counterfeit’ or a Blank Space (G). 23201 SECOND CHARACTER MUST BE ‘X’ OR BLANK


List of Allowed Entries for DE 20 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

Enter one per Segment 31 that has a Property Description of ‘10 - Drugs/Narcotics’. There are no restrictions on multiple Segment 31’s having the same Suspected Drug type (EG: You can report 1 lb of Marijuana, as well as 10 Marijuana Plants as two different Segment 31’s, or if two people are found in possession of the same drug type on their person, you can report both of those containers as separate properties).

Suspected Drug Types
A  -  'Crack' Cocaine
B  -  Cocaine
C  -  Hashish
1  -  Hash Oil (LIBRS Only). Sent to NIBRS as “C”
D  -  Heroin
E  -  Marijuana
F  -  Morphine
G  -  Opium
H  -  Other Narcotics:
  • Codeine
  • Demerol
  • Dihydromorphinone or Dilaudid
  • Hydrocodone or Percodan
  • Methadone
I  -  LSD
J  -  PCP
K  -  Other Hallucinogens:
  • BMDA or 'White Acid'
  • MT, MDA, or MDMA
  • Mescaline or Peyote
  • Psilocybin
  • STP
L  -  Amphetamines / Methamphetamines
M  -  Other Stimulants:
  • Adipex, Fastine, and Ionamin (Derivatives of Phentermine)
  • Benzedrine
  • Didrex
  • Methylphenidate or Ritalin
  • Phenmetrazine or Preludin
  • Tenuate
N  -  Barbiturates
O  -  Other Depressants:
  • Glutethimide or Doriden
  • Methaqualone or Quaalude
  • Pentazocine or Talwin
P  -  Other Drugs:
  • Antidepressants (Elavil, Triavil, Tofranil, Etc.)
  • Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  • Propoxyphene or Darvon
  • Tranquilizers (Chlordiazepoxide or Librium, Diazepam or Valium, Etc.)
U  -  Unknown Type Drug

Estimated Drug Quantity (21)

Description: Estimated Drug Quantity is the amount of a Drug or Narcotic that was involved in a Completed, NIBRS 35A Offense that has a Property Loss Type of ‘1 - None’ or ‘6 - Seized’. Note that there is a decimal in the Format. This decimal should only be included if the Data Element is supposed to be included (EG: You’re not supposed to enter ‘GGGGGGGGG.GGG’ (Where G is a Blank Space) if this Data Element shouldn’t have a value; instead enter all blanks).

Data Characteristics: 13 Character Alpha/Numeric. The only Alpha Character is supposed to be the Decimal that occurrs in position 10 of the Data Element. Otherwise everything is expected to be Numeric. Should also be front-padded with zeros as needed. Significant Figures don’t matter here, and you should always include the decimals after the whole number. (EG: Even though 100.000 and 100 are the same thing, you should still include the decimal places and submit ‘000000100.000’)

Format: #########.###


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
  • Must be numeric entry with Zero ('0') or Blank (G) left-fill and right-fill (EG: '000000100.000' to represent '100')
  • The decimal fractional quantity must be expressed in thousandths as three digits
  • The decimal point must be the tenth character of the field
2 You should not include values for Drug Quantity (DE 21) unless:
  • The Offense is a NIBRS 35A Offense
  • Attempted/Compelted (DE 7) is 'C - Completed'
  • the Property Loss Type is '1 - None' or '6 - Seized'
3 If the following conditions are met, then you should include Estimated Drug Quantity (21):
  • NIBRS Offense Code of 35A
  • Attempted/Completed (DE 7) of 'C - Completed
  • Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Seized ('6')
  • Property Description (DE 15) is Drugs/Narcotics ('10')
If there are multiple 35A Offenses, only include Estimated Drug Quantity (21) for those who satisfy the listed conditions above.
4 When Estimated Drug Quantity (21) is entered, Suspected Drug Type (20) and Type Drug Measurement (22) must also be entered. 13066 WITH DATA ENTERED, SUSPECTED DRUG TYPE (DE 20) AND MEASUREMENT (DE 22) MUST BE PRESENT


Type Drug Measurement (22)

Description: Drug Type Measurement is a shortcode that indicates the units for the Estimated Drug Quantity (DE 21). Not all units can be used with all Suspected Drug Types (DE 20). For instance ‘NP - Number of Plants’ shouldn’t be used with something liek Amphetamines. However for the most part drugs these days come in many forms, so use whichever Measurement Type makes the most sense (Volume for Liquids, Weight for loose Solids, Units for Pills, etc…)

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Must be included if Estimated Drug Quantity (DE 21) has a value.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The reported Drug Measurement Type (DE 22) was not recognized. Check the List of Available Data Element Values for the available values and their definitions 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 You should not include values for Suspected Drug Type (DE 22) unless:
  • The Offense is a NIBRS 35A Offense
  • Attempted/Compelted (DE 7) is 'C - Completed'
  • the Property Loss Type is '1 - None' or '6 - Seized'
3 If the following conditions are met, then you should include Type Drug Measurement (22):
  • NIBRS Offense Code of 35A
  • Attempted/Completed (DE 7) of 'C - Completed
  • Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Seized ('6')
  • Property Description (DE 15) is Drugs Narcotics ('10')
If there are multiple 35A Offenses, only include Type Drug Measurement (22) for those who satisfy the listed conditions above.
4 In order to use a Drug Measurement Type (DE 22) Value of ‘NP’, Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) must have a value of either ‘E’, ‘G’, or ‘K’. 13067 DRUG TYPE MUST BE ‘E’, ‘G’, OR ‘K’ FOR A VALUE OF ‘NP’
5 Estimated Drug Quantity (DE 21) must have a value of ‘000000001.000’ when Drug Measurement Type (DE 22) is Not Reported (‘XX’). Note that the Incident will need to be resubmitted with the correct Drug Measurement Type (DE 22) and Drug Quantity (DE 20) at a later date. 13084 WITH A MEASUREMENT OF ‘XX’(NOT REPORTED) DRUG QTY MUST = 00000001.000


Allowed Entries:

Type Drug Measurements
Weight Category
GM  -  Gram
KG  -  Kilogram
OZ  -  Ounce
LB  -  Pound

Volume Category
ML  -  Milliliter
LT  -  Liter
FO  -  Fluid Ounce
GL  -  Gallon

Units Category
DU  -  Dosage Units, Items (Number of Capsules, Pills, Tablets, Etc.)
NP  -  Number of Plants (e.g., Marijuana Plants (Bushes), Etc.)

XX  -  Not Reported or Unknown

Victim Sequence Number (23)

Description: Victim Sequence Number is the uniquely identifying ID for each Victim in an Incident. This number cannot repeat in the same incident, and must be unique for each Segment 50 that is present. This data Element can never be ommitted and must always have a value between 001 and 999.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Should be front-padded with Zero’s (0) to make a three digit number. (EG: 1 would be 001).


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This is a required Data Element, and it cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) should be a numeric entry, front-padded with zeros to make a three-digit number between 001 and 999. EG: 001, 002, 010 for Sequence Numbers 1, 2, and 10. 15002 CONTAINS NON NUMERIC ENTRY
3 Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) must be a unique value for all Victims in the Incident. 15051 VICTIM NUMBER ALREADY EXISTS


Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (24)

Description: Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number is only used in Offense Segments Segmetn 20). Each Offense can only be related to a single Victim, so if there are multiple Victims of the same Offense, or Multiple Offenses for the same Victim, you’ll need multiple Segment 20’s to reference that. This Data Element is important because it’s what’s used to link the Offenders to their Offenses.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Should be front-padded with Zero’s (0) to make a three digit number. (EG: 1 would be 001). Needs to match a Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) that’s present in a Segment 50 of the Incident.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) is a required Data Element and cannot be left blank. Without a Victim to connect to an Offense, no crime has actually occurred. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) contains a value that does not match up with the Victim Sequence Numbers (DE 23) present in the Victim Segments (Segment 50) of the Incident. 12090 OFFENSE CONNECTED TO A NON-EXISTENT VICTIM
3 Victim cannot be connected to Mutually Exclusive or Lesser Included Offenses.
  • Offenses are Mutually Exclusive when they cannot occur to the same victim in an incident by NIBRS definitions. (Refer to the 'Offenses That Cannot Occur to the Same Victim' Table below)
  • Offenses are Lesser Included when, in the same incident, one Offense is an element of a second Offense, and should not both be reported as having happened to the Victim.


Offenses That Cannot Occur to the Same Victim

The following chart shows Offenses that CANNOT occur to the same victim in the same incident. Each ‘X’ on the chart where offenses intersect denotes that those two offenses CANNOT occur to the same victim in an incident.

Offenses That Cannot Occur to the Same Victim
09A - MurderXXXXX
09B - Negligent ManslaughterXXXXX
11A - Forcible RapeXXXXXXX
11B - Forcible SodomyXXXXXXX
11C - Sexual Assault w/ ObjectXXXXXXX
11D - Forcible FondlingXXXXXXXX
13A - Aggravated AssaultXXXXXXXXX
13B - Simple AssaultXXXXXXXXXX
13C - IntimidationXXXXXXXXXX
23A - Pocket-PickingXX
23B - Purse SnatchingXX
23C - ShopliftingXX
23D - Theft from BuildingXX
23E - Theft from Coin MachineXX
23F - Theft from Motor VehicleXX
23G - Theft of Motor Vehicle PartsXX
23H - All Other LarcenyXX
240 - Motor Vehicle TheftXX
36A - IncestXXXXX
36B - Statutory RapeXXXXX
09A - Murder
09B - Negligent Manslaughter
11A - Forcible Rape
11B - Forcible Sodomy
11C - Sexual Assault w/ Object
11D - Forcible Fondling
120 - Robbery
13A - Aggravated Assault
13B - Simple Assault
13C - Intimidation
23A - Pocket-Picking
23B - Purse Snatching
23C - Shoplifting
23D - Theft from Building
23E - Theft from Coin Machine
23F - Theft from Motor Vehicle
23G - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts
23H - All Other Larceny
240 - Motor Vehicle Theft
36A - Incest
36B - Statutory Rape


Example Number Description
1 Two victims, Victim 001 and Victim 002, were robbed, and Victim 001 was also taken hostage by the Offender with a hand gun in a parking lot. The incident’s Offense Segments could be submitted as follows:
  • Offense 001 -- Aggravated Robbery (14:64) would be connected to Victim 001.
  • Offense 002 -- Aggravated Robbery (14:64) would be connected to Victim 002.
  • Offense 003 -- Second Degree Kidnaping (14:44.1) would be connected to Victim 001.

Type of Victim (25)

Description: Type of Victim dicates the classification of the Victim of an Offense. The descriptors that are available for selection are based on the NIBRS Code of the Offense. All Victim Types except for ‘S - Society’ are applicable to Crimes Against Property, while only Victim Types of ‘I - Individual’ and ‘L - Law Enforcement’ are applicable to Crimes Against Persons. On the contrary, Crimes Against Society can only have a Victim Type of ‘S - Society’.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always be present and cannot be left blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Type of Victim (DE 25) is a required Data Element, and cannot be left blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 No matter the number of Crimes Against Society that are present in an Incident, there should only be a single Victim of Victim Type ‘S - Society’. All Crimes Against Society present in the incident should point to this single victim. 10080 CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY CAN ONLY HAVE ONE VICTIM
3 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
4 For Offenses that are Crimes Against Property, the associated Victim cannot have a Type of Victim (DE 25) of ‘S - Society’. Type of Victim (DE 25) can only be:
  • I - Individual
  • B - Business
  • F - Financial Institution
  • G - Government
  • R - Religious Organization
  • O - Other
  • U - Unknown
5 Type of Victim (DE 25) can only be ‘L - Law Enforcement Officer’ when the Offense Associated is 09A, 13A, 13B, or 13C. 22110 VICTIM TYPE CANNOT BE ‘L’ = LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WHEN USING THIS LRS CODE
6 If Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘L - Law Enforcement Officer’, then Aggravated Assault Circumstance (DE 31) must be ‘02 - Assault on Law Enforcement Officer(s)’. 90001 DE 31 (AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CIRCUMSTANCE) MUST BE ‘02 - ASSAULT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER(S)’ IF DE 25 (VICTIM TYPE) IS ‘L’. SIMILARLY, IF DE 25 (VICTIM TYPE) IS ‘L’ FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, DE 31 MUST BE ‘02’.


List of Allowed Entries for DE 25 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code per Type of Victim Segment (25):

Type of Victim
I  -  Individual
B  -  Business
F  -  Financial Institution
G  -  Government
L  -  Law Enforcement Officer (LIBRS Only). Sent to NIBRS as “L” starting with 2.5
R  -  Religious Organization
S  -  Society/Public
O  -  Other
U  -  Unknown


Example Number Description
1 During a bank robbery (Crime Against Property), the Offender pointed a gun at a teller and demanded and received money. The robber also pistol-whipped a customer who stood in his way as he made his getaway from the bank.

Assuming the facts above, there were 3 victims:
  • Victim 001 was the bank which would be coded as a Financial Institution ('F')
  • Victim 002 was the teller which would be coded as Individual ('I')
  • Victim 003 was the customer who was pistol whipped which would be coded as an Individual ('I')

Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (25A)

Description: Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance is used in LEOKA Circumstances only, and it indicates the activity in which the Law Enforcement Officer was engaged at the time the officer was either killed or assaulted in the line of duty.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Should only be used if Victim Type is ‘L - Law Enforcement’ and Offense is an 09A, 13A, 13B, or 13C.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Type of Victim (25) is Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (25A) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 Type of Officer Activity/Circumnstance (DE 25A) can only have a value if the Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘L - Law Enforcement’ 15082 WARNING - VICTIM TYPE MUST BE ‘L - LAW ENFORCEMENT’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED

Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance
01  -  Responding to Disturbance Calls
02  -  Burglaries in Progress or Pursuing Burglary Suspects
03  -  Robberies in Progress or Pursuing Robbery Suspects
04  -  Attempting Other Arrests
05  -  Civil Disorder
06  -  Handling, Transporting, Custody of Prisoners
07  -  Investigating Suspicious Persons or Circumstance
08  -  Ambush - No Warning
09  -  Handling Persons with Mental Illness
10  -  Traffic Pursuits and Stops
11  -  All Other

Officer Assignment Type (25B)

Description: Officer Assignment Type is used to report the victim Officer’s Type of Assignment when a LEOKA Offense occurred of which they were the Victim.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Should only be used if Victim Type is ‘L - Law Enforcement’ and Offense is an 09A, 13A, 13B, or 13C.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Type of Victim (25) is Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Officer Assignment Type (25B) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 Officer Assignment Type (DE 25B) can only have a value if the Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘L - Law Enforcement’ 15082 WARNING - VICTIM TYPE MUST BE ‘L - LAW ENFORCEMENT’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED

Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Officer Assignment Types
F  -  Two-Officer Vehicle
G  -  One-Officer Vehicle (Alone)
H  -  One-Officer Vehicle (Assisted)
I  -  Detective or Special Assignment (Alone)
J  -  Detective or Special Assignment (Assisted)
K  -  Other (Alone)
L  -  Other (Assisted)

Officer ORI, Other Jurisdiction (25C)

Description: Officer ORI, Other Jurisdiction is used to report the ORI Number of a Law Enforcement Officer’s Agency when an officer from another jurisdiction is killed or assaulted in the line of duty in the reporting Agency’s jurisdiction. No entry is required for LEOKA Offenses that occur in the Officer’s own Agency jurisdiction.

Data Characteristics: 9 Character Alpha


Should be a Nine-Digit, valid ORI Number, or Blank Spaces (G) if Not requried

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Officer ORI (Other Jurisdiction) (DE 25C) can only have a value if the Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘L - Law Enforcement’ 15082 WARNING - VICTIM TYPE MUST BE ‘L - LAW ENFORCEMENT’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Acceptable Data Values:

A thru Z (Uppercase letter only), or 0 thru 9

Age of Victim [At Time Incident Occurred] (26)

Description: For Offenses in which a Person (I - Individual or L - Law Enforcement) are the Victim Type (DE 25), Age of Victim should be the two-digit age of the Victim when the Incident Occurred. Ages can be appended with an ‘E’ to represent an Estimated Age of the Victim if that actual Age is not known, otherwise the third character should remain a Blank Space. For ages that are less that one year, check the List of Available Values below.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Alpha/Numeric. Cannot be Blank and must always have a value. Use ‘00’ if Age is Unknown.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Age of Victim (DE 26) is a required Data Element when Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L- Law Enforcement’, and cannot be left blank. If Age is Unknown, then use ‘00’ to denote an Unknown Age, rather than leaving it blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 If Age is not a numeric value, then it must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 Age of Victim (DE 26) is only to use the Estimated Age Modifier ‘E’ if the Age is actually being Estimated. ‘00’ for an Unknown Age is not an estimate, and therefore not a valid input. 14022 ESTIMATED AGE CANNOT BE ‘00’ UNKNOWN AND HAVE A TRAILING ‘E’
4 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED
5 Statutory Rape Victim’s Age (DE 26) must be >= 13 and <= 17. 15081 STATUTORY RAPE OFFENSES REQUIRE A VICTIM WHO IS AT LEAST 13 YEARS OF AGE BUT NO OLDER THAN 17 YEARS OLD
6 Check that the age supplied for the matching Offender Record is the same as the age supplied for this Victim Record. This includes whether or not the age is estimated. 90045 FOR VO RELATIONSHIPS THE AGE OF THE OFFENDER MUST MATCH THE AGE OF THE VICTIM EXACTLY, INCLUDED WHETHER OR NOT THE AGE IS ESTIMATED
6 The Age of the Victim that you’ve supplied is 99 or older. This is just a warning to make sure that you’ve entered that intentionally 90046 WARNING - AGE OF VICTIM IS 99 OR OLDER. PLEASE VERIFY THAT THEIR AGE AND DOB IS BEING REPORTED PROPERLY


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Valid Ages of Victims
NN  -  Under 24 hours (Neonate)
NB  -  1-6 Days Old (New Born)
BB  -  7-364 Days Old (Baby)
01 to 98  -  Years Old (Age in Years)
99  -  Over 98 Years Old
00  -  Unknown


Example Number Description
1 If the victim was 18 years old, enter ‘18’.
2 If the victim appeared 25 to 30 years old, average the age range to get 27.5, then round down and enter ‘27E’.

Date of Birth of Victim (L26)

Description: DOB of Victim is not a required field, but if the Date of Birth is known then it can be entered here in the MMDDYYYY Format. If this field has a value, then you shouldn’t be using an Estimated age in Data Element 26 (Age of Victim), however we don’t stop that because it’s possible the exact Incident Date is Unknown, and instead the Reporting Date is being used. For that reason we allow Estimated Ages to also have a Date of Birth present.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date. Optional, if not entered should be all Blank Spaces (Not Zeros)



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for the Date of Birth of Offender (DE L37) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE


Sex of Victim (27)

Description: Sex of Victim is used to indicate the sex of an Victim that is a Person (I - Individual or L - Law Enforcement).

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must be entered for Victim Types I and L. Use U if Unknown, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 When the Offense Code is 11A, at least one of the Offenders must be a different sex than the Victim(s). If all Victims and Offenders are the same sex, 11B, 11C, or 11D may be the offense code you actually want to use. 14060 VICTIM’S SEX CANNOT BE SAME AS ALL OFFENDERS FOR OFFENSES OF ‘11A’
3 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Sex of Victim
M  -  Male
F  -  Female
U  -  Unknown

Race of Victim (28)

Description: Race of Victim is used to indicate the race of an Victim that is a Person (I - Individual or L - Law Enforcement). Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must be entered for Victim Types I and L. Use U if Unknown, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Race of Victim
W  -  White
B  -  Black
I  -  American Indian / Alaskan Native
A  -  Asian
P  -  Native Hawiian or Other Pacific Islander
U  -  Unknown

Ethnicity of Victim (29)

Description: Ethnicity of Victim is used to indicate the ethnicity of an Victim that is a Person (I - Individual or L - Law Enforcement). Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must be entered for Victim Types I and L. Use U if Unknown, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Ethnicity of Victim
H  -  Hispanic Origin
N  -  Not of Hispanic Origin
U  -  Unknown

Resident Status of Victim (30)

Description: Resident Status of Victim is used to indicate if the victim was a resident in the reporting agency’s jurisdiction at the time of the incident. It is NOT an indicator of whether or not the Victim is a US Citizen.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must be entered for Victim Types I and L. Use U if Unknown, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Segment:

Resident Status of Victim
R  -  Resident
N  -  Nonresident
U  -  Unknown

Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance Nos. 1 and 2 (31)

Description: Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances is used to describe the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or a homicide. It’s must be used with NIBRS 09A, 09B, 09C, and 13A, and should not be used with any other Offense (left Blank). Additionally the availablility of the codes DE 31 uses is subject the Victim Type (DE 25) and NIBRS Code of the Offense; not all codes are available for all conditions.

Data Characteristics: Up to 2x, 2 Character Numeric. You may enter 2 Codes for Victims associated with NIBRS 13A and 09A Offenses, and one code for Victims associated with NIBRS 09B and 09C Offenses. Exceeding this limit for Victims associated with 09B and 09C Offenses will throw an error, rather than ignoring the value.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 When more than one code is entered within Aggravated Assault/Murder category, the same value is not allowed to be repeated. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
3 Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance (DE 31) is only allowed to be present if Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) relates to one of the follwing Offense Codes: 15019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
4 Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance (DE 31) must be present if Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) relates to one of the follwing Offense Codes: 15020 DATA MUST BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
5 Unknown Circumstances (‘10’) is mutually exclusive with all other codes, that is, no other code can be entered. Enter Unknown (‘10’) ONLY if no other code applies. 15056 ONLY ONE VALUE GREATER OR EQUAL TO ‘10’ CAN BE ENTERED
6 When Assault/Homicide Circumstances (DE 31) is ‘08 - Other Felony Involved’, then the Incident must contain two or more Offenses. 15080 WHEN HOMICIDE/ASSAULT CIRCUMSTANCE (DE 31) IS ‘08’, INCIDENT MUST HAVE 2 OR MORE OFFENSES
7 If Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘L - Law Enforcement Officer’, then Aggravated Assault Circumstance (DE 31) must be ‘02 - Assault on Law Enforcement Officer(s)’. 90001 DE 31 (AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CIRCUMSTANCE) MUST BE ‘02 - ASSAULT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER(S)’ IF DE 25 (VICTIM TYPE) IS ‘L’. SIMILARLY, IF DE 25 (VICTIM TYPE) IS ‘L’ FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, DE 31 MUST BE ‘02’.
8 For 09B and 09C Offenses, only one Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance can be used. 90004 ONLY ONE CODE ARE ALLOWED IN DE 31

Aggravated Assault and Non-Negligent Manslaughter Circumstances

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
9 The chosen Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance that was used for this Offense is not valid for the NIBRS Code. Please refer to the List of Available Data Element Values to find an appropriate selection to use. 90005 INVALID DE 31 CODE FOR THIS OFFENSE.
10 The third Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance has been deprecated and will not be included in your submission. 90014 WARNING: FOR DE 31, AT MOST TWO ASSAULT CIRCUMSTANCE ARE ALLOWED. THE 3RD ASSAULT CIRCUMSTANCE WILL BE IGNORED.

Negligent Manslaughter Circumstances

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
11 If Non-Negligent Circumstances (DE 31) is Child Abuse (‘40’), then the Victim that is Connected to this Offense must have an age that equals
  • NN, NB, BB
  • 01-16, or 01-16 with a trailing 'E'

Justifiable Homicide Circumstances

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
12 When Justifiable Homicide (NIBRS 09C) is reported, no other offense may be reported in the Incident Report. 12066 NO OTHER OFFENSE CAN BE SUBMITTED WITH AN 09C (JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE) OFFENSE


Allowed Entries:

Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances
Aggravated Assault and Non-Negligent Manslaughter Circumstances
01  -  Argument 13A, 09A
02  -  Assault on Law enforcement Officer(s) 13A, 09A (Must be entered if Victim Type = 'L')
03  -  Drug Dealing 13A, 09A
04  -  Gangland 13A, 09A
05  -  Juvenile Gang 13A, 09A
06  -  Domestic Violence 13A, 09A
07  -  Mercy Killing (Not applicable to aggravated assault) 09A
08  -  Other Felony Involved 13A, 09A
09  -  Other Circumstances 13A, 09A
10  -  Unknown Circumstances 13A, 09A
40  -  Child Abuse (LIBRS Only) to NIBRS as code '09' 13A, 09A

Negligent Manslaughter Circumstances
30  -  Child Playing with Weapon 09B
31  -  Gun-Cleaning Accident 09B
32  -  Hunting Accident 09B
33  -  Other Negligent Weapon Handling 09B
34  -  Other Negligent Killing 09B
40  -  Child Abuse (LIBRS Only) to NIBRS as code '09' 09B

Justifiable Homicide Circumstances
20  -  Criminal Killed by Private Citizen 09C
21  -  Criminal Killed by Police Office 09C


Example Number Description
1 Two rival juvenile street gangs rumble over ‘turf’ rights to sell drugs and one of the gang members is killed. Possible entries are:
  • 01 - Argument
  • 03 - Drug Dealing
  • 05 - Juvenile Gang
While all three would apply, there is a limit of two entries. Therefore, the two most descriptive codes (as determined by the reporting agency) should be used. In this case, the reporting agency entered ‘03’ and ‘05’.

Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstance (32)

Description: Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstances is used to describe the circumstances of a NIBRS 09C Offenses (Justifiable Homicide) only. It is not to be used with Victims of any Offense Code other than 09C. When more than one data value applies, enter the one that is most descriptive.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 For any 09C Offense, Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstance (DE 32) is required to be either ‘20 - Criminal Killed by Private Citizen’, or ‘21 - Criminal Killed by Police Officer 15055 ADDITIONAL JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE IS MANDATORY WITH A ‘20’ OR ‘21’ ENTERED
3 When this Data Element (32) is entered and Type of Victim (25) is Individual (‘I’), Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance (31) MUST show one of the following Justifiable Homicide (09C) Circumstances:
  • 20 Criminal Killed by Private Citizen
  • 21 Criminal Killed by Police Officer

Allowed Entries for Justifiable Homicide:

Enter only (1) code for Justifiable Homicide (NIBRS 09C):

Justifiable Homicide Circumstance
A  -  Criminal Attacked Police Officer and That Officer Killed Criminal
B  -  Criminal Attacked Police Officer and Criminal Killed by Another Police Officer
C  -  Criminal Attacked by Civilian
D  -  Criminal Attempted Flight from a Crime
E  -  Criminal Killed in the Commission of a Crime
F  -  Criminal Resisted Arrest
G  -  Unable to Determine / Not Enough Information


Example Number Description
1 In resisting arrest, a fugitive pulled a gun and fired two times in the direction of two police officers who were attempting to take him into custody. Neither officer was hit, but both drew their weapons and returned fire, killing the fugitive. As this was a Justifiable Homicide (NIBRS 09C), Criminal Killed by Police Officer (‘21’) should be entered into Data Element 31.

Assuming the facts above, the possible entries for Data Element 32 are:
  • A - Criminal Attacked Police Officer and That Officer Killed Criminal
  • B - Criminal Attacked Police Officer and Criminal Killed by Another Police Officer
  • F - Criminal Resisted Arrest
As only one code can be entered into this Data Element (32), the most descriptive code (as determined by the reporting agency) should be used. In this case, the reporting agency entered Criminal Attached Police Officer and That Officer Killed Criminal(‘A’).

Type of Injury (33)

Description: Type of Injury is used to describe the condition of a Victims of a Crime Against Person after the Offense has been committed. Certain Injury Types are not applicable for certain NIBRS Codes.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must be included for each Victim Injury Segment (Segment 51) that is present in the Incident, and cannot be left Blank.


Requirment Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Victim Injury Type (DE 33) is only allowed to be present if the associated Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’, and Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) relates to one of the follwing Offense Codes: 15019 DATA CAN ONLY BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
3 Victim Injury Type (DE 33) must be present if the associated Victim Type (DE 25) is ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’, and Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) relates to one of the follwing Offense Codes: 15020 DATA MUST BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
4 When Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) relates to a NIBRS 13B Offense (Simple Assault), any Injury Types other than ‘M - Apparent Minor Injury’ and ‘N - None’ are not permitted. Use NIBRS 13A (Aggravated Assault) if Injury Type is more severe. 15079 SIMPLE ASSAULT (13B) CANNOT HAVE ‘MAJOR INJURIES’
5 Type of the Injury cannot be ‘M - Apparent Minor Injury’ or ‘N - None’ When:
  • The Offense Connected to Victim Sequence Number (DE 24) is a NIBRS 13A
  • The Type of Weapon/Force Involved = '40 - Personal Weapon'

Important Note:

13A, 13B, and 13C Offenses are all Mutually Exclusive to the same Victim in the same Incident. Meaning, LIBRS (and NIBRS, for that matter) will not allow you to submit a Victim who received Major Injuries from one Offender committing a 13A - Aggravated Assault Offenses, and Minor Injuries from another Offender committing a 13B - Simple Assault Offense.

If you have a case where a Victim applies to Mutually Exclusive Offenses, then you will need to submit those Offenses in Separate Incidents. You can see the chart here for which Offenses are Mutually Exclusive.


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code for each Victim Injury Segment; however, can submit as many Victim Injury Segments (51) as applicable:

Type of Injury
N  -  None
B  -  Apparent Broken Bones
I  -  Possible Internal Injury
L  -  Severe Laceration
M  -  Apparent Minor Injury
O  -  Other Major Injury
T  -  Loss of Teeth
U  -  Unconsciousness

Description: Offender Number to Be Related is only used in Segment 52, Victim/Offender Relationship, which should only be present with the Victim is associated with a Crime Against Person, or a Robbery.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Should always be supplied in Segment 52 (when that segment is present). Value should be front-padded with Zeros (0) to make a three-digit number. EG: 1 would be 001.


Requirment Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) must match one of the Offender Sequence Numbers (DE 36) present in the Offender Segment(s) (Segment 40). 10070 THE CORRESPONDING OFFENDER RECORD MUST BE PRESENT
2 Type of Victim (DE 25) must be ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ in order for data to be entered, and should not be entered if the Victim Type (DE 25) is not. 15058 VICTIM TYPE (25) MUST BE ‘I’ OR ‘L’ FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED
3 In order for Offender Number to be Related to have a value, the offense must either be a Robbery (NIBRS 120), or a Crime Against Person: Additionally this value should be supplied when the NIBRS Code Associated with it is a 64A, 64B, or 40C. 15059 NEED A CRIME AGAINST PERSON OR ROBBERY FOR DATA TO BE ENTERED



Example Number Description
1 If Victim 001’s relationship to Offender 004 is to be reported, enter ‘004’.

Relationship of Victim to Offender (35)

Description Victim/Offender Relationship describes how the Victim and the Offender of an Offense are associated with one another, if at all. It is common for this Data Element to be used for statistics for Offenses like Domestic Violence. If should only be used when the Victim is associated with a Crime Against a Person.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Should only have a value if the Victim is associated with a Crime Against a Person.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 The Victim/Offender Relationship of ‘SE - Spouse’ was used, however the age of either the Victim or the Offender was less than 10. This is not a valid age based on the relationship between the two. 14050 OFFENDER IS SPOUSE, BUT AGE IS LESS THAN 10
3 If Victim/Offender Relationship (DE 35) is ‘VO - Victim was Offender’, then Sex of Victim (DE 27) and Sex of Offender (DE 38) should match. 14053 SEX OF VICTIM AND OFFENDER DOES NOT REFLECT THE RELATIONSHIP
4 The Age of Victim and Age of Offender must reflect the implied relationship. The following relationships imply that the Age of Victim (DE 26) that is Younger than the Age of Offender (DE 37):
  • CH - Victim was Child
  • GC - Victim was Grandchild
  • BE - Victim was Babysitee (the Baby)
The following relationships imply that the Age of Victim (DE 26) that is Older than the Age of Offender (DE 37):
  • PA - Victim was Parent
  • GP - Victim was Grandparent
The following Implied Age Difference Between Victims and Offenders where victim must be Same Age:
  • VO - Victim was Offender
The following Implied Age Difference Between Victims and Offenders where victim must be At Least 10 Yrs Old:
  • SE - Victim was Spouse
  • ES - Victim was Estranged Spouse
  • CS - Victim was Common-Law Spouse
  • XS - Victim was Ex-Spouse
  • NM - Victim was Non-Married Live-In
5 Victim/Offender Relationship (DE 34) must be present for each Victim Sequence Number (DE 23) that has a Victim Type (DE 25) of ‘I - Individual’ or ‘L - Law Enforcement’ that is a victim of a Crime Against Person or a Robbery. 15005 MISSING VICTIM/OFFENDER SEGMENT OR RELATIONSHIP (SEGMENT 52 OR DE L6)
6 Victim/Offender Relationship (DE 34) must be present for any Victim of a Crime Against Person 15020 DATA MUST BE ENTERED FOR SPECIFIC OFFENSES
7 If Victim/Offender Relationship (DE 35) is one of the following, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) cannot be Unknown (‘000’). This field must be Blank (G) in instances where ‘000’ is entered.
  • OF - Victim Was Other Family Member
  • CS - Victim Was Common-Law Spouse
  • SB - Victim Was Sibling
  • SP - Victim Was Stepparent
  • SC - Victim Was Stepchild
  • SS - Victim Was Step-Sibling
  • IL - Victim Was In-Law
  • CF - Victim Was Child of Boyfriend or Girlfriend
  • NE - Victim Was Neighbor
  • FR - Victim Was Friend
  • AQ - Victim Was Acquaintance
  • EE - Victim Was Employee
  • ER - Victim Was Employer
  • OK - Victim Was Otherwise Known
  • RU - Relationship Unknown
  • ST - Victim Was Stranger
8 If Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) is ‘000 - Unknown’, then Victim/Offender Relationship cannot have a value, and should be blank spaces. 15068 RELATIONSHIP CANNOT BE ENTERED WHEN RELATED TO OFFENDER NUMBER ‘000’
9 When the attributes of an Offender (Age, Sex, and Race - DE’s 37, 38, and 39) are all Unknown, then the Victim/Offender Relationship (DE 35) has to be ‘RU - Relationship Unknown’. 15072 WHEN OFFENDER AGE / SEX / RACE ARE UNKNOWN, RELATIONSHIP MUST BE ‘RU’ = UNKNOWN
10 A Victim cannot have multiple Victim/Offender Relationships (DE 35) of ‘SE - Spouse’ with more than one Offender. 15075 ONLY ONE ‘SE’ RELATIONSHP PER VICTIM


List of Allowed Entries for DE 35 is on the following page:

Allowed Entries:

MUST enter ONE code for each Victim Segment (50). MUST enter relationship of each Victim to each Offender when Offense is a Crime Against Person or a Robbery against a Victim:

Relationships of Victims to Offenders
Within Family
SE  -  Victim Was Spouse
CS  -  Victim Was Common-Law Spouse
PA  -  Victim Was Parent
SB  -  Victim Was Sibling
CH  -  Victim Was Child
GP  -  Victim Was Grandparent
GC  -  Victim Was Grandchild
IL  -  Victim Was In-Law
SP  -  Victim Was Stepparent
SC  -  Victim Was Stepchild
SS  -  Victim Was Step-Sibling (stepbrother or stepsister)
OF  -  Victim Was Other Family Member
NM  -  Non-Married Live-in (LIBRS Only) Sent to NIBRS as 'CS'

Outside Family, But Known to Victim
VO  -  Victim Was Offender
AQ  -  Victim Was Acquaintance
FR  -  Victim Was Friend
NE  -  Victim Was Neighbor
BE  -  Victim Was Babysittee (the baby)
BG  -  Victim Was Boyfriend/Girlfriend
XB  -  Victim Was Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend (LIBRS Only). Now Maps to 'XR'; Sent to NIBRS as 'BG'
CF  -  Victim Was Child of Boyfriend or Girlfriend
HR  -  Homosexual Relationship *no longer used*
XS  -  Victim Was Ex-Spouse
EE  -  Victim Was Employee
ER  -  Victim Was Employer
OK  -  Victim Was Otherwise Known
ES  -  Victim Was Estranged Spouse (LIBRS Only) Sent to NIBRS as 'SE'
XR  -  Victim was from an Ex Relationship

Not Know By Victim
RU  -  Relationship Unknown
ST  -  Victim Was Stranger

VO  -  Victim Was Offender


Example Number Description
1 An employee assaulted his employer (a person) with his fists. Victim was Employer (ER) should be entered.
2 Two unknown subjects rob a male and a female couple. Victim was Stranger (‘ST’) should be entered to indicate the relationship of each Victim to each Offender.

Offender Sequence Number (36)

Description: Offender Sequence Number is the unique identifier for each Offender that is present in an Incident. Each Offender Segment (Segment 40) should have a unique value to identify them. Values for Offenders that aren’t unknown should be between 001 and 999. If an Offender is unknown, then there should be a single Segment 40 with an Offender Sequence Number of ‘000’.

An Unknown Offender Sequence Number ‘000’ is different than an Unknown Age, Race, or Sex (‘00’ for Age, or ‘U’ for Race and Sex) of an Offender. Take the following examples:

  1. A vehicle is stolen, and there are no witnesses or camera footage of the crime.
  2. A crime that was caught on camera, but the resolution wasn’t good enough to make out any identifying features of the Suspects.

Case 1 would be a case where you use ‘000’ for an Offender Sequence Number. When ‘000’ is used as the Offender Sequence Number, it basically means “We have no idea who, or even how many people were involved in this crime”. Because of that, there are two circumstances that should be accounted for with it:

  1. If ‘000’ is used as an Offender Sequence Number, then no other Offender Sequence Numbers can be entered. You either have an idea of how many people were invovled, or you don’t. If you know something about any of the Offenders, or even just how many Offenders were involved, ‘000’ should not be used.
  2. ‘000’ is not allowed for 09C Offenses because inherently you need to know who was involved in that Offense to deem it a Justifiable Homicide; if you don’t know who was involved, then what evidence do you have that the homicide was justifiable?

Case 2 is a case where ‘000’ Offender Sequence Number shouldn’t be confused for not knowing anything about the attributes (Age, Sex, and Race) of the Offenders involved. In this case you may not be able to describe anything about the Offenders, but you have clear-cut evidence about the number of Offenders that were involved. Therefore you should use Offender Sequence Numbers other than ‘000’ for them.

Just to note, you will get a Warning about those attributes being Unknown, but that’s only there to warn the User in case that data was mistakenly forgotten, which is the most common occurance when all of those Data Elements are Unknown.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Should never be left blank and should be front-padded to make a three-digit number. EG: 1 would be 001. If unknown use ‘000’ - If ‘000’ is used then no other Offender Segments can be present.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) cannot be blank, and must be front-padded with zeros to make a 3-digit number. (EG ‘001’, ‘002’, ‘011’, etc…) 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) cannot be repeated across multiple Segment 40’s (Offender Segment) in an Incident. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
4 Using Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) ‘000’ implies that nothing is known about the Offender(s), and therefore only one Offender Segment can be used whenever this value is present. 14055 OFFENDER ‘000’ EXISTS–CANNOT SUBMIT MORE OFFENDERS
5 If an incident is Exceptionally Cleared (DE 4), then Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) cannot be Unknown ‘000’.

Unknown (‘000’) indicates that nothing is known about the Offender(s) regarding number and any identifying information. One of the criteria for Exceptionally Clearing (DE 4) an incident is that at least one of the Offenders be known.
6 For NIBRS 09C Offenses (Justifiable Homicide) at least one of the Offenders must have known information for Age, Sex, and Race. Unknown (‘000’) is not valid as an Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) for these Offenses. 14059 OFFENDER DATA MUST BE PRESENT IF OFFENSE CODE IS JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE/09C



Example Number Description
1 A corpse with five bullet holes in it was found in an abandoned warehouse. There were no witnesses to the crime, or suspects.
  • A single Offender Segment (40) should be submitted with '000' entered into Offender Sequence Number (36) and with no entries in Data Elements 37 through 39.
  • Offender Suspected of Using (8) must be Not Applicable ('N') and Bias Motivation/Bias Crime Type (8A) must be None '88'
2 Two Offenders were seen fleeing the scene of a burglary, but because they were wearing ski masks, their Age, Sex, and Race could not be determined.
  • Two Offender Segments (40) should be submitted: the first with Offender Sequence Number '001' and the second with '002'.
  • Applicable Unknown codes should be entered into Data Elements 37, 38 and 39.
  • Offender Suspected of Using (8) MUST be Not Applicable ('N') and Bias Motivation/Bias Crime Type (8A) MUST be None ('88')

Age of Offender [At Time of Incident] (37)

Description: Age of Offender is the age the Offender was on the Date of the Incident. Ages can be appended with an ‘E’ to represent an Estimated Age of the Offender if that actual Age is not known, otherwise the third character should remain a Blank Space.

Data Characteristics: 3 Digits Alpha/Numeric. Cannot be Blank and must always have a value. Use ‘00’ if Age is Unknown.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If Offender Sequence Number (36) is other than Unknown (‘000’), Age of Offender (DE 37) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 For Exact Ages the first two characters in Age of Offender (DE 37) need to be a two digit number (front-padded with a zero if less than 10 - EG: 07, 09), with the third character as a Blank Space (G). 14008 EXACT AGE MUST BE IN FIRST TWO POSITIONS
3 For Estimated Ages the first two characters in Age of Offender (DE 37) need to be a two digit number (front-padded with a zero if less than 10 - EG: 07, 09), with the third character as an ‘E’ to represent the estimation. 14009 ESTIMATED AGE MUST BE 2 NUMERIC DIGITS, AND HAVE A TRAILING ‘E’
4 Age of Offender (DE 37) is only to use the Estimated Age Modifier ‘E’ if the Age is actually being Estimated. ‘00’ for an Unknown Age is not an estimate, and therefore not a valid input. 14022 ESTIMATED AGE CANNOT BE ‘00’ UNKNOWN AND HAVE A TRAILING ‘E’
5 When Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) is ‘000’ to denote an Unknown Offender, then Age of Offender (DE 37) cannot have a known value. In order for a value to be reported for this Data Element, the Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) should be something other than ‘000’ 14052 CANNOT BE PRESENT WHEN OFFENDER NUMBER IS ‘000’ UNKNOWN
5 Check that the age supplied for the matching Victim Record is the same as the age supplied for this Offender Record. This includes whether or not the age is estimated. 90045 FOR VO RELATIONSHIPS THE AGE OF THE OFFENDER MUST MATCH THE AGE OF THE VICTIM EXACTLY, INCLUDED WHETHER OR NOT THE AGE IS ESTIMATED


Allowed Entries

Enter only one code per Offender Segment (40):

Age of Offender
01-98  -  Age in years
99  -  Over 98 Years Old
00  -  Unknown


Example Number Description
1 If the Victim, or a witness, reported the Offender’s Age as between 25 and 30 years old, enter ‘27E’ (the average of 25 and 30 is 27.5, round down to get an estimated age of 27).

Date of Birth of Offender (L37)

Description: DOB of Offender is not a required field, but if the Date of Birth is known then it can be entered here in the MMDDYYYY Format. If this field has a value, then you shouldn’t be using an Estimated age in Data Element 37 (Age of Offender), however we don’t stop that because it’s possible the exact Incident Date is Unknown, and instead the Reporting Date is being used. For that reason we allow Estimated Ages to also have a Date of Birth present.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date. Optional, if not entered should be all Blank Spaces (Not Zeros)



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for the Date of Birth of Offender (DE L37) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE


Sex of Offender (38)

Description: The Sex of an Offender involved in the Incident.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always have a value; use U if Unknown or Offender Sequence Number is ‘000’, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If Offender Sequence Number (36) is other than Unknown (‘000’), Sex of Offender (DE 38) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Must be a valid code that is found on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 When Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) is ‘000’ to denote an Unknown Offender, then Sex of Offender (DE 38) cannot have a known value. In order for a value to be reported for this Data Element, the Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) should be something other than ‘000’ 14052 CANNOT BE PRESENT WHEN OFFENDER NUMBER IS ‘000’ UNKNOWN
3 When the Offense Code is 11A, at least one of the Offenders must be a different sex than the Victim(s). If all Victims and Offenders are the same sex, 11B, 11C, or 11D may be the offense code you actually want to use. 14060 VICTIM’S SEX CANNOT BE SAME AS ALL OFFENDERS FOR OFFENSES OF ‘11A’


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code per Offender Segment (40):

Sex of Offender
M  -  Male
F  -  Female
U  -  Unknown


Example Number Description
1 The witness caught only a fleeting glance of the Offender and, therefore, was unable to report the Offender’s Sex. The entry should be Unknown (‘U’).

Race of Offender (39)

Description: Race of Offender is used to indicate the race of an Offender involved in an Incident. Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always have a value; use U if Unknown or Offender Sequence Number is ‘000’, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If Offender Sequence Number (36) is other than Unknown (‘000’), Race of Offender (DE 39) cannot be blank. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Must be a valid code that is found on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 When Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) is ‘000’ to denote an Unknown Offender, then Race of Offender (DE 39) cannot have a known value. In order for a value to be reported for this Data Element, the Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) should be something other than ‘000’ 14052 CANNOT BE PRESENT WHEN OFFENDER NUMBER IS ‘000’ UNKNOWN


Allowed Entries:

Enter only (1) code per Offender Segment (40):

Race of Offender
W  -  White
B  -  Black
I  -  American Indian / Alaskan Native
A  -  Asian/Pacific Islander
U  -  Unknown

Ethnicity of Offender (39A)

Description: Ethnicity of Offender is used to indicate the ethnicity of an Offender involved in an Incident. Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always have a value; use U if Unknown or Offender Sequence Number is ‘000’, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If entered, must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Offense Segment (40):

Ethnicity of Arrestee
H  -  Hispanic Origin
N  -  Not of Hispanic Origin
U  -  Unknown

Arrestee Sequence Number (40)

Description: The Arrestee Sequence Number is a Uniquely Identifying Value between 001 and 999 that is used throughout the LIBRS Data Segments to identify which particular Arrestee is being referenced for validation purposes. Each Arrestee Segment (Segment 60) in an Incident should contain a unique Sequence Number. There is no Unknown Value for this Sequence Number like there is for Offender Sequence Number.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Numeric. Must be front-padded with Zeros to make a three-digit number. EG: 1 would be 001.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The Arrestee Sequence Number (DE 40) needs to be unique across the Incident. 16061 DUPLICATE ARRESTEE SEGMENT



Example Number Description
1 If two persons were arrested in connection with a previously submitted incident, two Arrestee Segments should be submitted: one with Arrestee Sequence Number ‘001’ and the other with ‘002’.

Arrestee Name (L40)

Description: Arrestee Name is the name of the individual being Arrested in connection with one of the Offenses present in the Incident. This field is purely optional, we do literally no validation on it and it doesn’t go to the FBI for NIBRS Reporting.

Data Characteristics: 20 Character Alpha

Format: [Last Name][Suffix],[First Name][Middle Name]

Suffix includes standard suffixes used to distinguish between generations (for example, Sr, Jr, III, II). Do not include titles (for example, MD, M.E., Ph.D., Esq., etc.)




Arrest Number/Local Booking Number for Arrest (41)

Description: Arrest Number/Local Booking Number for Arrest is the unique identifier that the Agency has for the particular Arrest Record in their RMS. This is actually quite an important Data Element, as when we submit changes to NIBRS to arrests this is the value that is used to make modifications.

Data Characteristics: 12 Character Alpha. Cannot be completely blank, and must be unique for every Arrestee across all Incidents (IE: Number cannot be the same in two different Incidents). Cannot contain spaces in between any of the characters in this data element, but leading or trailing spaces are fine.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When more than one value is present, the same value is not allowed to be repeated. 12006 ERROR - DUPLICATE VALUE
2 Arrest Number/Local Booking Number for Arrest (DE 41) should not contain any blank spaces between the first and last characters that aren’t spaces. EG: ‘123456789 10’ is not allowed, but ‘12345678910 ‘ is fine. 16015 CANNOT HAVE EMBEDDED ‘BLANKS’ BETWEEN FIRST AND LAST NON - BLANK CHARACTERS


Arrest Date (42)

Description: Arrest Date is the actual date that an Arrestee was brought into the LEA’s custody. Since Incident Dates and Arrest Dates can be different, if there is a case where an Arrest is made for an Incident that occurred before the Agency’s Base Date (Date where the agency began reporting either LIBRS or UCR data to the State), then the Arrest should not be sent to us.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date. Must be included and cannot be Blank or all Zeros.



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for Arrest Date (DE 42) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. Additionally this value cannot be all zeros, it must be a real date. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 When Date of Arrest (DE 42) is present, it cannot be earlier than the Incident Date/Hour (DE 3). 16065 ARREST DATE CANNOT BE BEFORE THE INCIDENT START DATE
3 When Date of Arrest (DE 42) is present, it cannot be later than the Submission Date (DE C3) present in the Header Segment (Segment 00) of the LIBRS Flat File. 16066 ARREST DATE CANNOT BE AFTER TAPE SUBMIT DATE MONTH AND YEAR
4 All reported Arrests need to occur either during or before the period that is being reported. EG: You cannot report an arrest that occurred on 11/15/2020 on the 10/2020 Flat File. 16082 ARREST DATE CANNOT BE AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD THE SUBMISSION DOCUMENT REPRESENTS


Type of Arrest (43)

Description: Type of Arrest details how the arrest was initiated by the Officer, and if the individual was brought into custody or not.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. This field is required for each Segment 60 present in the Incident.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries:

Enter only one code per Arrest Segment:

Type of Arrest
O  -  On-View Arrest (taken into custody without a warrant or previous incident report.)
S  -  Summoned / Cited (not taken into custody)
T  -  Taken Into Custody (based on warrant and/or previously submitted incident report.)

Multiple Arrestee Segment Indicator (44)

Description: The Multiple Arrestee Indicator is used to Identify if arresting an Offender for One Incident has cleared another Incident by arrest. In cases where an individual that is arrested is a suspect in more than one Incident, the Multiple Arrestee Indicator allows the agency to denote that one or more Incidents involving the Offender have been cleared by an Arrest, however the individual was not arrested multiple times.

For instance, if an Suspect already has a warrant out for their arrest, and they are then arrested for another Offense in a different Incident, the Incident that caused the warrant to be issued is now cleared by arrest, as well. However, the Suspect was only arrested one time. So the Multiple Arrestee Indicator allows the Agency to specify that both incidents have been cleared, but only one arrest was made.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Required for Each Segment 60 (Arrest Segment) that is present in the Incident.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries:

Enter only one (1) code per Arrestee Segment:

Multiple Arrestee Segment Indicator
M  -  Multiple
C  -  Count Arrestee
N  -  Not Applicable


Example Number Description
1 After a suspect’s apprehension for robbery, it was learned that he was also responsible for five additional robberies within the jurisdiction.
  • One Arrestee Segment (60) was keyed into the local computer, along with the Incident Numbers of the six incidents
  • The local computer then generated six Arrestee Segments (60) which were duplicates except for their Incident Numbers
  • Five of the Arrestee Segments (60) had Multiple ("M") and one had Count Arrestee ("C") entered into Multiple Arrestee Segment Indicator (44)
  • Each of the six robberies is cleared.
2 If the suspect’s arrest did not clear additional incidents, the entry should be Not Applicable (“N”).

Louisiana Revised Statute Number of Arrest (45)

Description: The LRS Number of Arrest is the Statute in which the Offender was Arrested For. It needs to match one of the Statutes that are present in the Offense Segments (Segment 20). NIBRS Doesn’t have this restriction, and allows you to submit an Arrest for an Offense not related to the Incident, but LIBRS does not have this leniency.

Data Characteristics: 12 Character Alpha. Cannot be left blank and can only contain one (1) Hyphen (-).

Format: TT:SSSS.S/P-I

  Louisiana Revised Statute Format
TT Title
SSSS.S Section
PPP/I Subpart, or
Subpart with Qualifier, or
Qualifier, or
Juvenile Qualifier, and An Inchoate Modifier, if applicable, would be indicated
by a dash with a data value behind the LRS Code that defines the offense.**


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Must be a valid code on Master LIBRS/LRS Code Table. Check the Master LRS List for available codes to use. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 An Incident cannot have any Arrests when there is only one Offense Segment (Segment 20) present, and it has an Offense Code of 09C (Justifiable Homicide). A Justifiable Homicide never involves an arrest of the Offender (The person who committed the Justifiable Homicide). 16069 NO ARRESTEE RECORDS ALLOWED FOR A JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE


Agency Supplied NIBRS Code For Arrest (N45)

Description: The Agency Supplied NIBRS Code For Arrest is the NIBRS Code with which the Agency would like to submit to the FBI as the Offense for the Arrest.

This Data Element was created before NIBRS Codes were mandatory, and we’ve since written code to use the NIBRS Code that’s supplied in the Offense Segment if it’s missing. However we would encourage you to include it as an extra measure to make certain the Arrest is being reported as desired.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character AlphaNumeric. Optional. If Inlcuded must be a NIBRS Code that’s a Valid Mapping for the LRS Code for Arrest (DE 45). Refer to the Master LRS List for more details.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The LRS Code that you have submitted doesn’t have a mapping to a NIBRS Code in our system. Please use a valid NIBRS Mapping for this LRS Code, and if you think the LRS Code you submitted should be valid let us know and we’ll see if we can add it in.

This Error also triggers when Louisiana Revised Statute Number of Arrest (DE 45) is left blank.

Arrest Connection to Offense (L45)

Description: Arrest Connected to Offense is how an Arrestee gets linked to the Offense they were arrested for. It isn’t just the Sequence Number. This Data Element allows you to link an Offense from Other Incidents, as well, to the Arrest performed in this one. Because of that the Incident Number in which the Offense was reported also needs to be included.

The format is simply the Offense Sequence Number (DE ) followed by the Incident Number (DE 3) that contains the Offense the Offender is being arrested for. EG If it’s Offense Sequence Number 2, and the Incident Number is 20-000100-01, then this value would be ‘00220-000100-01’

Data Characteristics: 15 Character Alpha


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 While this Data Element is optional, if it is included, Arrest Connection to Offense (DE L45) should be 15 characters long, and combine a valid Offense Sequence Number and Incident Number together. EG: If an Offender is Arrested for Offense Sequence Number 001 from Incident Number 20-000001-01, the DE L45 should be ‘00120-000001-01’. 90043 THIS DATA ELEMENT IS OPTIONAL, HOWEVER IF PROVIDED DE L45 IS 15 CHARACTER STRING THAT COMBINES A VALID OFFENSE SEQUENCE NUMBER AND INCIDENT NUMBER

MUST be a valid Offense Sequence Number (L6). The Offense Segment (20) referred to by this Data Element (L45) MUST exist.


Arrestee was Armed With [At Time of Arrest] (46)

Description: Arrestee was Armed With is used to report what, if anything, an Arrestee had on their person that was a Weapon whenever they were brought into custody. This Data Element is not as descriptive as Weapon/Type of Force Used (DE 13), but that’s because it’s limited to items that the Arrestee was in possession of.

Please Note: Only one of each weapon type is currently reportable for each Arrestee. For instance, if an Arrestee had two Handguns on them at the time of Arrest, you should only list it once. Listing it twice will cause an error for Duplicate Values to be thrown. In the future we plan to add the ability to list the quantity of weapons found on the Arrestee, but at this time we can only allow a single one of each type to be reported.

Data Characteristics: 3 Character Alpha. Can’t be blank, must have a selection. Third Character is reserved for the ‘A - Automatic’ designation, which is only to be used with Firearms. Otherwise, the third character is to be a Blank Space (G).


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
3 Only the following values are allowed to use the ‘A - Automatic Weapon’ indicator in Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13): 12058 WEAPON TYPE MUST = 11, 12, 13, 14, OR 15 FOR AN ‘A’ IN THE AUTO INDICATOR


Allowed Entries:

Enter only one of the following codes:

Arrestee was Armed With
01  -  Unarmed
11  -  Firearm (Type Not Stated)
12  -  Handgun
13  -  Rifle
14  -  Shotgun
15  -  Other Firearm
16  -  Lethal Cutting Instrument (switchblade knife, martial arts 'stars', Etc.)
17  -  Club, Blackjack or Brass Knuckles


Example Number Description
1 When a man was arrested, he had in his possession a .357-Magnum handgun and a penknife. The entry should be Handgun (‘12’). Because a small pocket knife is not generally considered to be a ‘weapon’, it does not qualify for reporting to LIBRS.
2 A female resisted arrest using a liquor bottle and a chair as a weapon before being subdued. The entry for LIBRS should be Unarmed (‘01’). Although the subject used items as weapons, they were not commonly known weapons.

Age of Arrestee [At Time of Arrest] (47)

Description: Age of Arrestee is the age the Arrestee was on the Date of their Arrest. Ages can be appended with an ‘E’ to represent an Estimated Age of the Arrestee if that actual Age is not known, otherwise the third character should remain a Blank Space.

Data Characteristics: 3 Digits Alpha/Numeric. Cannot be Blank and must always have a value. Use ‘00’ if Age is Unknown.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 For Exact Ages the first two characters in Age of Arrestee (DE 47) need to be a two digit number (front-padded with a zero if less than 10 - EG: 07, 09), with the third character as a Blank Space (G). 14008 EXACT AGE MUST BE IN FIRST TWO POSITIONS
3 For Estimated Ages the first two characters in Age of Arrestee (DE 47) need to be a two digit number (front-padded with a zero if less than 10 - EG: 07, 09), with the third character as an ‘E’ to represent the estimation. 14009 ESTIMATED AGE MUST BE 2 NUMERIC DIGITS, AND HAVE A TRAILING ‘E’
4 Age of Arrest (DE 47) is only to use the Estimated Age Modifier ‘E’ if the Age is actually being Estimated. ‘00’ for an Unknown Age is not an estimate, and therefore not a valid input. 14022 ESTIMATED AGE CANNOT BE ‘00’ UNKNOWN AND HAVE A TRAILING ‘E’
5 When Age of Arrestee (DE 47) is an exact value (IE Not Estimated), then it must contain numeric entry of 00-99. 16064 ARRESTEE AGE MUST BE NUMERIC DIGITS
6 When Juvenile Qualifiers are used, Age of Arrestee (DE 47) must be ‘01’ thru ‘17’ (this includes 17) for the following Juvenile Qualifiers:
  • (JU:RUN) Runaway Offense (90I)
  • (JU:UNG) Ungovernable (90C)
  • (JU:CUR) Curfew (90B)
  • (JU:TRU) Truancy (90Z)
Note: As of January 1st, 2020, all offenders under the age of 18 are considered juveniles.


Allowed Entries

Enter only one code per Arrest Segment (60):

Age of Arrestee
01-98  -  Age in years
99  -  Over 98 Years Old
00  -  Unknown


Example Number Description
1 An Arrestee refused to give his Date of Birth, but he appeared to be 35 to 40 years old. Possible entries would be Unknown (‘00’) or an estimated 37 years old (‘37E’). Use the latter when possible.

Date of Birth of Arrestee (L47)

Description: DOB of Arrestee is not a required field, but if the Date of Birth is known then it can be entered here in the MMDDYYYY Format. If this field has a value, then it’s required that the Age of Arrestee have an Exact, not Estimated Value.

Data Characteristics: Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date. Optional, if not entered should be all Blank Spaces (Not Zeros).



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for Date of Birth of Arrestaee (DE L47) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. Additionally this value cannot be all zeros, it must be a real date. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 Age of Arrestee (DE 47) cannot be Unknown if Date of Birth of Arrestee (DE L47) is Known. 22105 AGE CANNOT BE UNKNOWN IF DATE OF BIRTH IS KNOWN


Sex of Arrestee (48)

Description: The Sex of the Arrestee.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always have a value.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Arrest Segment:

Age of Arrestee
M  -  Male
F  -  Female

Race of Arrestee (49)

Description: Race of Arrestee is used to indicate the race of the Arrestee. Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Must always have a value; use U if Unknown, don’t leave the field blank.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 When Arrestee Segments (Segments 60, 61, and 62) are present, this Data Element is a mandatory field. 10001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Arrest Segment (60):

Race of Arrestee
W  -  White
B  -  Black
I  -  American Indian/Alaskan Native
A  -  Asian or Pacific Islander
U  -  Unknown

Ethnicity of Arrestee (50)

Description: Ethnicity of Arrestee is used to indicate the Ethnicity of the Arrestee. Race is defined as persons that share similar physical characteristics. Ethinicity is defined as persons that share similar cultural characteristics.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Optional Value, but if supplied must conform to the List of Available Values.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If entered, must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Arrest Segment (60):

Ethnicity of Arrestee
H  -  Hispanic Origin
N  -  Not of Hispanic Origin
U  -  Unknown

Resident Status of Arrestee (51)

Description: Resident Status of Arrestee is used to indicate whether or not the Arrestee is a resident of the justidiction of the Arresting Agency. It is not meant to indicate whether or not the Arrestee is a US Citizen or Permanent Resident.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Optional Value, but if supplied must conform to the List of Available Values.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If entered, must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Arrest Segment (60):

Resident Status of Arrestee
R  -  Resident
N  -  Nonresident
U  -  Unknown

Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 (52)

Description: Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 denotes how Juvenile Arrestees are handled. It is a mandatory field for ANY Arrestee that is 17 AND Younger (Under 18, not including 18).

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Required for Arrestees 17 and Younger. Should be left Blank for Arrestees that are not.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must conform to a value on the List of Available Data Element Values. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 If Age of Arrestee (DE 47) is under 18 (17 and younger), then Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 (DE 52) must be entered.

Note: As of January 1st, 2020, all offenders under the age of 18 are considered juveniles.
3 If Age of Arrestee (DE 47) is 18 or older, then Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 (DE 52) should not be entered. 16053 FOR AGE 18 AND OLDER DISPOSITION SHOULD NOT BE ENTERED


Allowed Entries

Enter only (1) code per Arrest Segment (60) for Juveniles only:

Disposition of Arrestee Under 18
D  -  Handled Within Department and Released.
J  -  Referred to Juvenile Court or Probation Department
W  -  Referred to Welfare Agency
P  -  Referred to Other Police Agency
A  -  Referred to Criminal or Adult Court


Example Number Description
1 The Arrestee, age 13, was apprehended for vandalizing a school, then released to his parents with a warning. The entry should be Handled Within the Department and Released (‘D’).
2 The Arrestee, age 16, was arrested for rape, and turned over to the Adult Court to be tried as an adult. The entry would be Referred to Criminal or Adult Court (‘A’).

Location of Incident (Geographical Coordinates) (L53)

Description: Location of Incident is a purely Optional field that contains the Longitude and LAtitude of and Incident’s Location. It is used for more advanced Analytics purposes, but at this time is not required and can be left blank.

Data Characteristics: 12 Character Numeric.


First Six (6) Characters in Longitude First Six (6) Characters in Latitude


None. Value is taken on faith; we have no way to validate it.


Allowed Entries

Not required for LIBRS Releases 1.0/1.1. or 2.0, unless agency uses geographical coordinates to track incidents. Entry should either be valid geographical coordinates, or Blank (G). If agencies submit zeroes, program will produce errors because zeroes are numeric.

Station/Division/Precinct Identifier (L54)

Description: Station/Division/Precinct Identifier is a short code to identify which Precinct the Incident Report is coming from. It is not required, but may be useful for Analytics for the Agency down the line. At this time it is not being valudated or used, only stored.

Data Characteristics: 6 Character Alpha. Optional with no restrictions on Alpha/Numeric Characters, Spaces, or Hyphens.


None. Value is taken on faith; we have no way to validate it. It can be used for an Agency to perform Analytics on their Incident reports, though, so if it’s included it’s recommended to be consistent for each Precinct.


Arrest Transaction Number (ATN) for Louisiana (L55)

Description: ATN for Louisiana is the Unique Identifier of an Arrestee in AIFIS.

Data Characteristics: 15 Character Alpha/Numeric


MUST be present if fingerprints are submitted to the Bureau of Identification of the Louisiana State Police.

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Arrest Transaction Number (DE L55) may only contain [A - Z], [0 - 9], ‘-‘, and ‘ ‘ (Spaces). 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE


Inchoates (70)

Description: The Inchoate Modifier is to be added to the end of the LRS Code (DE 6) present in Offense and Arrestee Offense Segments (Segments 20 and 41). It’s used to add context to the charges laid against an Offender. EG: Hiring a person to commit a murder should be charged with Attempted Murder, however the Addition of the Inchoate Modifier of ‘-I’ for ‘Inciting a Felony’ gives us extra context about exactly what happened.

If you don’t have an Inchoate Modifier to add, leave this Data Element Blank. If present, the Inchoate Modifier should appear in either/both the Offense and Arrestee Statute Segments (as appropriate).

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha, Fist Character is “-“


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Inchoate Modifiers have a limited number of options that can be chosen from. Please refer to the List of Available Data Element Values. 22085 VALID CHOICES FOR INCHOATE MODIFIER ARE ‘-A’, ‘-C’, ‘-I’, ‘-S’, OR ‘-H’

Control Data Elements

Segment Descriptor (C1)

Description: The Segment Deescriptor is what tells LIBRS what data to expect in each line of the Flat File. It absolutely MUST be included in each line.

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Numeric. First two characters of each line in a LIBRS Flat File.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Unrecognized Segment Descriptor. Please verify that the Segment Markers in the Flat File conform to the LIBRS Specifications. 10051 INVALID RECORD SEGMENT ON TAPE
2 Segment Descriptor (DE C1) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. It should be included in every segment of the Flat File to denote the context of the data present in that line. 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD


Allowed Entries for Data Element C1:

Value Segment Descriptors Value Segment Descriptors
00 Submission Header 41 Offender Using
01 Zero Records 50 Victim
10 Administration 51 Victim Injury
11 Administration Modification 52 Victim/Offender Relation
20 Offense 60 Arrestee
30 Property 61 Arrestee Armed
31 Property Description 62 Arrestee Statute
32 Property Modification 63 Arrestee Modification
33 Property/Offense 99 Submission Trailer
40 Offender    

Submitting Agency (C2)

Description: The Submitting Agency is the Name of the Agency (EG: East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office rather than EBRSO) that is Submitting the LIBRS Flat File. It’s not Validated, but is useful for back-end purposes to keep consistent.

Data Characteristics: 20 Character Alpha. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 This error is thrown when a LIBRS Flat File is submitted to the Full Application (not the Validator Website) and we have not been made aware of the Agency’s desire to begin submitting LIBRS Data. If you get this error, please contact us and let us know your ORI Number and contact details so we can enable your Agency for Testing mode. 20010 MUST BE A VALID AGENCY


Submission Date (C3)

Description: Submission Date is the MMDDYYYY Format Date that the LIBRS Flat File was generated. Ideally it’s the same day that it was Submitted to LIBRS, but we use it as a way to keep which files came in when to figure out which one to trust.

Data Characteristics: 8 Character Date. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)



Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 The date supplied for the Submission Date (DE C3) is not valid. Please ensure that the supplied date is in the MMDDYYY Format. 11005 DATE ENTERED MUST BE A VALID CALENDAR DATE
2 Submission Date (DE C3) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD


Reporting Period (C4)

Description: Reporting Period is the MMYYYY Format Date of the LIBRS Reporting Period (Month) that the Flat File represents. It is used to test for Out of Sequence Errors, so it’s very important to keep straight as submissions move forward.

Data Characteristics: 6 Character Date. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)

Format: MMYYYY


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Reporting Period (DE C4) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
3 Reporting Period (DE C4) cannot be In or After the Date of Submission (DE C3). EG: If today’s date is 06/01/2020, then you cannot report and Reporting Periods of 062020 or later because those months have not occured or completed yet. 20026 REPORTING PERIOD CANNOT EXCEED THE DATE OF SUBMISSION


Action Type (C5)

Description: Action Type designates what LIBRS should do with the Line of data that it’s about to read. For modern implementations we would recommend only using ‘I - Insert’ and ‘D - Delete’, however in order to maintain support for older systems, we do still allow all Five (5) Action Types to be submitted.

The Types Available are:

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha. Used on every segment in the Flat File Except for the Header and Footer Segments.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 If a LIBRS Flat File contains the duplicate Arrestee Sequence Numbers (DE 40) for the same Incident Number (DE 2), the at least one of the Action Types of the the Arrestee Segments associated with the Sequence Number must have an Action Type (DE C5) or ‘D - Delete’. 16161 ARRESTEE SEQUENCE NUMBER (DE 40) CANNOT REPEAT FOR THE SAME INCIDENT NUMBER (DE 2) THE FLAT FILE UNLESS THERE IS AN ACTION TYPE OF DELETE
2 Action Type (DE C5) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. It should be included in every Segment of the Flat File aside from the Header Segment (Segment 00) and Footer Segment (Segment 99) 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
2 The Action Type Specified in Segments 20, 40, 41, and 50 need to match the Action Type in Segment 10. 90042 VALUE MUST MATCH THE VALUE SUPPLIED IN ADMINISTRATIVE SEGMENT (SEGMENT 10)


Allowed Entries for Data Element C5:

Action Type Action Performed by LIBRS/NIBRS
I Incident Report
Incident Reports submitted with an Action Type of “I” are new incidents that are being reported to the LIBRS/NIBRS databases for the first time)
A Add Arrest
Action Type “A” submissions are used to add an arrest to an incident that has previously been reported with an Action Type of “I”. Action Type “A” can only be used if incident has already been submitted and there are no changes in other segments of the incident, that is, the agency is simply adding an arrest segment to the already submitted incident
M Modify
Action Type “M” segments are used for Time-Window Submission correction for an Exceptional Clearance, Recovered Property or Arrests). It can alsobe used to modify exceptional clearance indicator and/or exceptional clearance date when incident has already been submitted.
D Delete Action
Type “D” segments are used to delete previously submitted incidents. It is often used when updates or changes are reported to a previously submitted incident. An Action Type “D” segment will delete all existing incident data, allowing the reporting agency to re-submit the incident containing the updated information
W Time-Window Submission
Action Type “W” is used only when reporting an incident that occurred prior to the reporting agency’s “base date” as defined in the Guidelines. An agency’s base date is usually the date when the agency first started reporting incident-based data to LIBRS/NIBRS. The Time-Window Submission can report one of the following:
      - Exceptional Clearance
      - Exceptional Clearance Date
      - Recovered Property
      - An Arrest

Clearance Indicator (C6)

For Time Window Submissions, ONLY

Description: Clearance Indication is a Y/N Value that’s used exclusively in Time Window Submissions to state whether or not the Incident has been cleared by an Arrest or not.

Data Characteristics: 1 Character Alpha.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Supplied Value not recognized. Must be either ‘Y’ or ‘N’ for Yes or No. 11004 INVALID DATA VALUE–NOT ON LIBRS VALIDATION TABLE
2 Clearance Indicator (DE C6) must be Blank (G) when Action Type is not ‘W’ (Time-Window). 16058 MUST BE BLANK WHEN ACTION TYPE IS NOT ‘W’ (WINDOW)
3 If Action Type (DE C5) is ‘W’ (Time-Window), then Clearance Indicator (DE C6) cannot be left blank. 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD


Allowed Entries for Data Element C6:

  Clearance Indicator
Y Yes - Submit “Y”, if this is the first Arrestee Segment (60) submitted for an Incident. By submitting a “Y”, the Arrest clears an Incident that happened prior to the date the agency began submitting Incident-Based Data to the LIBRS/NIBRS system (that is, a Time-Window case that is not on the LIBRS/NIBRS database).
N No - Submit ‘N’, if a previous Arrest Segment (60) was already submitted for an Incident. (That is, the case has already been cleared for an Incident that occurred since the agency’s base data, and is in the LIBRS/NIBRS database).

Number of Segments Transferred (C7)

Description: Number of Segments Transferred is quite literally the number of lines that are present in a LIBRS Flat File, including the Header and the Footer Segments. Effectively it is just the line number of the Footer Segment.

Data Characteristics: 6 Character Numeric, Front-Padded with zeros (EG: 525 should be 000525).. Only used in Footer Segment (Segment 99)


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 Number of Segments Transferred (DE C7) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. It should appear one time in the Footer Segment (Segment 99) 20001 MUST BE PRESENT–MANDATORY FIELD
3 DE C7 must be equal to the total number of segments within the data submission file 20031 MUST BE EQUAL TO THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SEGMENTS WRITTEN TO THE TAPE.


Allowed Entries: Any integer greater than or equal to 000003.

End of Segment Marker (C8)

Description: The End of Segment Marker us used to tell LIBRS where the data in a line ends, and if anything else is in the line to ignore it. It is an older data element that was brought forward for backwards compatibilty, however it is important that it is placed in the correct location and is the correct characters (‘ZZ’).

Data Characteristics: 2 Character Alpha. Only in every Segment.


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
1 End of Segment Marker (DE C8) is a mandatory Data Element, and cannot be left blank. It should be used in every segment of the LIBRS Flat File to denote the end of the line.

Note: All lines should still be 150 characters long. Any different in length between the position of the End of Segment Marker (DE C8) and 150 characters should be filled with Blank Spaces (G).
2 End of Segment Marker (DE C8) is required for all segments, and must be ‘ZZ’. The End of Segment Marker does not mark the end of the line, but rather the end of the Segment, so each line should still be filled to the full 150 characters with Blank Spaces (G) after the End of Segment Marker is present. 20029 END OF SEGMENT MARKER, MUST BE EQUAL TO ‘ZZ’


This field is used to provide LIBRS with a way to determine where an end of record occurs. In the event of an error in record length this will allow the LIBRS system to find the start of the next record and possibly recover from the error. The “End of Segment” marker is the same for all segments, two capitol Z’s.

Allowed Entries: “ZZ” only.

Padding (C9)

Description: Padding is used to fill out unused area in a LIBRS Flat File to keep consistent formatting across each Segment.

Data Characteristics: Character Alpha/Numeric. Used in every Segment.


Requirement Requirement Description
1 Must be Blank (G) if fixed length records are submitted. MUST be one newline character (ASCII 13; CR, LF, or CRLF) if variable length records are submitted.
2 If Fixed-Length records are used, add padding from the End of Segment Marker (C8) to exactly column 150.
3 Segment 00 MUST have both Padding to column 150 and a new line charachter (ASCII 13; CR, LF, or CRLF)


Allowed Entries: Blank spaces or the newline character (ASCII 13).

Software ID (C10)

Description: Software ID is used to tell LIBRS the RMS Software that was used to generate the LIBRS Flat File. This is useful because if we find an error that’s being caused by something invalid in the Flat File it allows us to track down the Vendor/Agencies that are affected and help get the issue resolved.

Data Characteristics: 5 Characters Alpha/Numeric. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)


Requirement Requirement Description
1 Contains Identification of software used to generate the LIBRS data submission

Software Version (C11)

Description: Software Version is used to tell LIBRS the Version RMS Software that was used to generate the LIBRS Flat File. This is useful because if we find an error that’s being caused by something invalid in the Flat File it allows us to track down the Vendor/Agencies that are affected and help get the issue resolved.

Data Characteristics: 10 Characters Alpha/Numeric. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)


Requirement Requirement Description
1 Contains Version of software used to generate the LIBRS data submission

LIBRS Spec Indicator (C12)

Description: As of 2019, the LIBRS Spec must be present in the Header Segment, and it must be equal to ‘2.5’

Data Characteristics: 3 Characters Alpha/Numeric. Only used in Header Segment (Segment 00)


Requirement Requirement Description
1 Indicates the LIBRS Spec is to be used by WinLIBRS when validating a data submission

LIBRS/NIBRS Mandatories

Error Messages

Structure for Numbering of Mandatory Error Messages

1st Character 2nd Character 3rd Character 4th and 5th Characters
8 1 0 00: Overall Data Element Edits all Sections (Except Section 4)
Denotes Mandatory Error Message Section with Mandatory Error Message Number within Section 01 - 21
Data Elemeber Specific Edits Within Section 4

Section (1) Error Message for: Initial Incident Reports

Each incident MUST have the following data elements, or the ENTIRE incident will be REJECTED:


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 Incident missing a mandatory data element required for all incident submissions. 81000  
1 Exceptional Clearance Date (5) is required if this incident has any code, except None (N), in Cleared Exceptionally (4). 81100 EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE DATE IS REQUIRED IF THIS INCIDENT HAS ANY CODE EXCEP T ‘N’ IN DE 4 ‘
2 When Type of Victim (25) is Individual (I) or Law Enforcement (L) the following data element(s) MUST have a valid code. 81200 WHEN TYPE OF VICTIM(DE 25) IS ‘I’ OR ‘L’ THE FOLLOWING DATA ELEMENT(S) MUST HAVE A VALID CODE
3 When Offender Sequence Number (36) is NOT ‘000’, the following data elements MUST have a valid code. 81200 WHEN TYPE OF VICTIM(DE 25) IS ‘I’ OR ‘L’ THE FOLLOWING DATA ELEMENT(S) MUST HAVE A VALID CODE
4 When Offender Sequence Number (36) is ‘000’, then Offender Suspected of Using/Gaming Motivation (8) MUST be None (‘N’) and Bias Motivation/Bias Crime Type (8A) MUST be None (‘88’). 81400 WHEN DE 36 = 000 ‘, THEN DE 8 MUST BE ‘ N ‘ AND DE 8A MUST BE ‘ 88 ‘.’


For Error Message 81000:

For Error Message 81200a:

For Error Message 81200b:

Section (2) Error Message for: Initial Incident Reports Containing Arrestee Segments


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 Arrest Segment is missing a mandatory data element. 82000 ARREST SEGMENT IS MISSING A MANDATORY DATA ELEMENT.
1 When Age of Arrestee (47) is LESS THAN ‘17’, then MUST have a valid code in Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 (52). 82100 WHEN DE 47 IS LESS THAN 17, MUST HAVE A VALID CODE IN DE 52.’


For Error Message 82000:

Section (3) Error Message for: Subsequent Updates (ADD ARRESTs, MODIFYs, and DELETEs) to Previously Submitted Incidents


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 An Arrestee segment is missing a mandatory data element. 83100 WHEN SUBMITTING AN ARRESTEE SEGMENT A MANDATORY DATA ELEMENT IS MISSING.
1 When Age of Arrestee (47) is LESS THAN ‘17’, then MUST have a valid code in Disposition of Arrestee Under 18 (52). 83200 WHEN DE 47 IS LESS THAN 17 ‘, MUST HAVE A VALID CODE IN DE 52.’
2 This segment must have valid data in ORI Number (1) and Incident Number (2). 83000 THIS SEGMENT MUST HAVE A VALID CODE IN DE 1 AND DE 2.


For Error Message 83100 and 83200:

For Error Message 83100:

NIBRS Mandatories

Subsection 01: ARSON (200)


Incidents submitted with an ARSON (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code “200”) should receive one of the following two error messages, as appropriate.

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of ARSON (NIBRS Code ‘200’) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84001 WHEN LRS = 200 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST BE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’
1 When an Incident contains an offense of ARSON (NIBRS Code ‘200’) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of Burned (‘2’), Property Description (DE 15) MUST contain a valid code, and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain a valid value. 84101 WHEN LRS = 200 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST BE A CODE OF ‘2’ AND DE 15 AND 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.



Incidents submitted with an AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, SIMPLE ASSAULT OR INTIMIDATION (Crime Against Person) offense (NIBRS Code 13A, 13B or 13C) should receive one of the following six error messages, as appropriate.

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, SIMIPLE ASSAULT OR INTIMIDATION (NIBRS Code 13A, 13B or 13C), then Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) MUST contain a value of Completed (‘C’), and Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST contain a value of Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’). 84002 WHEN LRS = 13A, 13B, OR 13C, ATTEMTPED/COMPLETED (DE 7) MUST EQUAL ‘C’, AND DE 25 MUST BE A CODE OF ‘I’ OR ‘L’
1 When an Incident contains an offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, SIMIPLE ASSAULT OR INTIMIDATION (NIBRS Code 13A, 13B or 13C), and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) IS NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST have valid codes. 84102 WHEN LRS = 13A, 13B OR 13C AND DE 36 NOT EQUAL TO 000, THEN DE 34 AND 35 MU ST HAVE A VALID CODE.’
2 When an Incident contains an offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (NIBRS Code 13A) then Type of Weapon Involved (DE 13), Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances (DE 31) and Injury Type (DE 33) MUST have valid codes. 84202 WHEN LRS = 13 A, DE 13, 31 & 33 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
3 When an Incident contains an offense of AGGRAVATED ASSAULT (NIBRS Code 13A) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (DE 25A) and Officer Assignment Type (DE 25B) MUST contain valid values. 84302 WHEN LRS = 13 A AND DE 25 = ‘L’ MUST HAVE THREE VALID CODES, ONE OF ‘02’ AND ANOTHER VALID CODE OF ‘01’ OR ‘03-10’ AND ONE CODE OF ‘12-18’ IN DE 31 AND A CODE OF ‘K-U’ IN DE 32
4 When an Incident contains an offense of SIMPLE ASSAULT (NIBRS Code 13B) then Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) MUST contain a valid value, and Type of Injury (DE 33) MUST have a value of Apparent Minor Injury (‘M’) or None (‘N’). 84402 WHEN LRS = 13 B, DE 13 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE AND DE 33 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘M’ OR ‘N’.
5 When an Incident contains an offense of SIMPLE ASSAULT (NIBRS Code 13B) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (DE 25A) and Officer Assignment Type (DE 25B) MUST contain valid values. 84502 WHEN LRS = 13 B AND DE 25 = ‘L’ MUST HAVE THREE VALID CODES, ONE OF ‘02’ AND ANOTHER VALID CODE OF ‘01’ OR ‘03-10’ AND ONE CODE OF ‘12-18’ IN DE 31 AND A VALID CODE OF ‘K-U’ IN DE 32

Subsection 03: BRIBERY (510)


Incidents submitted with an offense of BRIBERY (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code “510”) should receive the following five error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of BRIBERY (NIBRS Code 510), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) contains a value of Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84003 WHEN LRS = 510 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of BRIBERY (NIBRS Code 510), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) contains a value of Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of None (‘1’), Seized (‘5’), Stolen (‘7’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84103 WHEN LRS = 510 AND DE 7 = C ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 1 ‘, ‘ 5 ‘, ‘ 7 ‘ OR ‘ 8 ‘.’
2 When there is only one completed ‘Crime Against Property’ Offense in an incident, any Property Description Segments (31) reported with the incident can contain ONLY values of EITHER:
  • Stolen Property ('7')
  • Unknown ('8')
The incident will be rejected if an agency sends both Stolen Property (‘7’) and Unknown (‘8’) for Type of Property Loss/Etc. within the same incident.
3 When an Incident contains an offense of BRIBERY (NIBRS Code 510), and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), then Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (16) MUST contain valid data values. 84303 WHEN LRS = 510 AND DE 14 = ‘5’ OR ‘7’, THEN DE 15 AND 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
4 When an Incident contains an offense of BRIBERY (NIBRS Code 510), and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains a value of Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84403 WHEN LRS = 510 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.



Incidents submitted with a BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code 220) should receive the following six error messages:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (NIBRS Code 220), and Location Type (DE 9) contains a value of Hotel/Motel (‘14’) or Rental Storage Facility (‘19’), then Number of Premises Entered (DE 10) and Method of Entry (DE 11) MUST contain valid values. 84004 WHEN LRS = 220 AND DE 9 = ‘14’ OR ‘19’, THEN DE 10 AND 11 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (NIBRS Code 220), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) = ‘A’, then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84104 WHEN LRS = 220 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
2 When an Incident contains an offense of BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (NIBRS Code 220), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) contains a value of Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of None (‘1’), Seized (‘5’), Stolen (‘7’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84204 WHEN LRS = 220 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’, ‘5’, ‘7’ OR ‘8’.
3 When there is ONLY ONE Crime Against Property offense with an Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) value of Completed (‘C’) within an incident, a Property Description Segment (DE 31) can contain either a Type of Property Loss (DE 14) value of Stolen (‘7’) or Unknown (‘8’), but NOT both. The incident MUST be rejected if an agency sends a Property Description Segment (DE 31) with both a Type of Property Loss (DE 14) of Stolen (‘7’) and Unknown (‘8’) within the same incident. 84304 WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE COMPLETED PROPERTY OFFENSE IN AN INCIDENT, A PROPER TY SEGMENT CAN CONTAIN A ‘7’ = STOLEN PROPERTY OR AN ‘8’ = UNKNOWN.THE IN CIDENT WILL REJECT IF AN AGENCY SENDS A ‘7’ AND ALSO AN ‘8’ WITHIN THE SAM
4 When an Incident contains an offense of BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (NIBRS Code 220), and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), then Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid data values. 84404 WHEN LRS = 220 AND DE 14 = ‘5’ OR ‘7’, THEN DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
5 When an Incident contains an offense of BURGLARY/BREAKING AND ENTERING (NIBRS Code 220), and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains a value of Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84504 WHEN LRS = 220 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.



Incidents submitted with a COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code 250) should receive the following four error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY (NIBRS Code 250), then Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (12) MUST contain a valid value. 84005 WHEN LRS = 250, DE 12 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY (NIBRS Code 250) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) = ‘A’, then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84105 WHEN LRS = 250 AND DE 7 = A ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 1 ‘ OR ‘ 8 ‘.’
2 When an Incident contains an offense of COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY (NIBRS Code 250), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) contains a value of Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST contain a value of Counterfeited/ Forged (‘3’), Recovered (‘5’) or Seized (‘6’), and Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values. 84205 WHEN LRS = 250 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘3’, ‘5’ OR ‘6’ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
3 When an Incident contains an offense of COUNTERFEITING/FORGERY (NIBRS Code 250), and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains a value of Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST have a valid date. 84305 WHEN LRS = 250 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.



Incidents submitted with a DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code 290) should receive one of the following two error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM (NIBRS Code 290) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) = ‘A’, then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84006 WHEN LRS = 290 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, AND DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of DESTRUCTION/DAMAGE/VANDALISM (NIBRS Code 290) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) = ‘C’, then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized (‘4’) and Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values. 84106 WHEN LRS = 290 AND DE 7 = ‘C’ , THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘4’ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.



Incidents submitted with a DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (Crime Against Society) offense (NIBRS Code 35A) or DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (Crime Against Society) offense (NIBRS Code 35B) should receive one of the following four error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 Incidents submitted with a DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) or DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35B), MUST contain a valid value in Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12). 84007 WHEN LRS = 35A OR 35B, DE 12 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) or DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35B) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84107 WHEN LRS = 35 A OR 35 B AND DE 7 =’A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
2 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) or DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35B) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None ‘1’ or Seized ‘6’. 84207 WHEN NIBRS = 35A OR 35B AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN OFFENSE MUST RELATE TO SEGMENT 31’S WHOSE DE 14 HAS A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘6’.
3 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) or DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35B), then Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Society (‘S’). Also, Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain a valid value; or MUST be BLANK (G) if Type of Property Loss (DE 14) contains None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84307 WHEN LRS = 35 A OR 35 B, DE 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE ** * (OR MUST BE BLANK IF DE 14 = ‘1 OR ‘8’) AND DE 25 MUST BE ‘S’.

Incidents submitted with a DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (Crime Against Society) offense (NIBRS Code 35A) should receive the following three error messages:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Seized ‘6’, then Property Description (DE 15) CANNOT BE EQUAL to Drug Narcotic Equipment ‘11’. 84407 WHEN LRS = 35 A AND DE 14 = ‘6’, THEN DE 15 CANNOT BE EQUAL TO ‘11’.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is None ‘1’, then Suspected Drug Type (DE 20) MUST contain a valid value. 84507 WHEN LRS = 35 A AND DE 14 = ‘1’, THEN DE 20 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
2 When an Incident contains an offense of DRUG/NARCOTIC VIOLATION (NIBRS Code 35A) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Seized ‘6’, and Property Description (DE 15) is Drugs/Narcotics ‘10’, then Suspected Drug Type (DE 20), Estimated Drug Quantity (DE 21) and Type Drug Measurement (DE 22) MUST all contain valid values. 84607 WHEN LRS = 35 A, DE 14 = ‘6’ AND DE 15 = ‘10’, THEN DE 20, 21 AND 22 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
3 Incidents submitted with a DRUG EQUIPMENT VIOLATION (Crime Against Society) offense (NIBRS Code 35B) and have a Type of Property Loss (DE 14) of Seized ‘6’, CANNOT contain a Property Description (DE 15) of Drugs/Narcotics ‘10’. 84707 WHEN LRS = 35 B AND DE 14 = ‘6’, THEN DE 15 CANNOT BE EQUAL TO ‘10’.

Subsection 08: EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (210)


Incidents submitted with a EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (Crime Against Property) offense (NIBRS Code 210) should receive the following five error messages:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 Incidents submitted with an EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (NIBRS Code 210) offense, MUST contain a valid value in Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13). 84008 WHEN LRS = 210, DE 13 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains an offense of EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (NIBRS Code 210) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84108 WHEN LRS = 210 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
2 When an Incident contains an offense of EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (NIBRS Code 210) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’) and Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST both contain valid values. 84208 WHEN LRS = 210 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘5’ OR ‘7’ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
3 When an Incident contains an offense of EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (NIBRS Code 210) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84308 WHEN LRS = 210 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.
4 When an Incident contains an offense of EXTORTION/BLACKMAIL (NIBRS Code 210) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Injury (DE 33) MUST contain a valid value. 84408 WHEN LRS = 210 AND DE 25 = ‘I’ OR ‘L’, THEN DE 33 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.

Subsection 09: FRAUD OFFENSES (26A-E)


Incidents submitted with FRAUD OFFENSES (Crimes Against Property) (NIBRS Codes 26A-E) should receive the following three error messages:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains FRAUD OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 26A-E) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84009 WHEN LRS = 26A - E AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains FRAUD OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 26A-E) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’) and Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST both contain valid values. 84109 WHEN LRS = 26 A - E AND DE 7 = C ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 5 ‘ OR ‘ 7 ‘ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.’
2 When an Incident contains FRAUD OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 26A-E) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (‘17’) MUST contain a valid date. 84209 WHEN LRS = 26 A - E AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.

Subsection 10: GAMBLING OFFENSES (39A-D)


Incidents submitted with GAMBLING OFFENSES (Crimes Against Society) (NIBRS Codes 39A-D) should receive one of the following two error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains GAMBLING OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 39A-D) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84010 WHEN LRS = 39 A - D AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains GAMBLING OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 39A-D) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (1DE 4) MUST contain a value of Seized (‘6’), Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values, and Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Society (‘S’). 84110 WHEN LRS = 39A - D AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 6 ‘, DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE, AND DE 25 MUST BE ‘ S ‘.’
2 Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12) MUST have a valid code when NIBRS Offense Code is 39C. 84210 WHEN LRS = 39 C, DE 12 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.

Subsection 11: HOMICIDE OFFENSES (09A, 09B or 09C)


Incidents submitted with HOMICIDE OFFENSES (Crimes Against Persons) (NIBRS Codes 09A, 09B and 09C) should receive one of the following five error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains HOMICIDE OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 09A, 09B and 09C), then Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) MUST contain Completed (‘C’), Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) and Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance (DE 31) MUST contain valid values, and Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be an Individual (‘I’) . 84011 WHEN LRS = 09A, 09B OR 09C, DE 7 MUST EQUAL ‘C’, DE 13 & 31 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE, AND DE 25 MUST EQUAL ‘I’ OR ‘L’.
1 When an Incident contains HOMICIDE OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 09A, 09B and 09C) and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) is NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST have valid values. 84111 WHEN LRS = 09 A, 09 B OR 09 C, IF DE 36 NOT EQUAL TO 000 ‘, THEN DE 34 AND 35 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.’
2 Incidents submitted with a JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE (NIBRS Codes 09C) offense MUST contain an Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstance (DE 31) value of Criminal Killed by Private Citizen (‘20’) or Criminal Killed by Police Officer (‘21’), and Additional Justifiable Homicide Circumstances (DE 32) MUST contain one of the following values:
  • 'A' (Criminal Attacked Police Officer and That Officer Killed Criminal)
  • 'B' (Criminal Attacked Police Officer and Criminal Killed by Another Police Officer)
  • 'C' (Criminal Attacked by Civilian)
  • 'D' (Criminal Attempted Flight from a Crime)
  • 'E' (Criminal Killed in the Commission of a Crime)
  • 'F' (Criminal Resisted Arrest)
  • 'G' (Unable to Determine/Not Enough Informatioin.
84211 WHEN LRS = 09 C, DE 31 MUST HAVE ‘20’ OR ‘21’ AND DE 32 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE OF ‘A-G’.
3 Incidents submitted with a MURDER OR NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER (NIBRS Codes 09A) offense and where Type of Victim (DE 25) contains Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (DE 25A) and Officer Assignment Type (DE 25B) MUST contain valid values. 84311 WHEN LRS = 09 A AND DE 25 = ‘L’, MUST HAVE TWO VALID CODES;ONE CODE ‘01’ OR ‘03-10’ AND ONE CODE OF ‘12-18’ IN DE 31 AND A VALID CODE OF ‘K-U’ IN DATA ELEMENT 32.
4 Incidents submitted with a NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER (NIBRS Codes 09B) offense and where Type of Victim (DE 25) contains Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Officer Activity/Circumstance (DE 25A) and Officer Assignment Type (DE 25B) MUST contain valid values. 84411 WHEN LRS = 09 B AND DE 25 = ‘L’, MUST HAVE TWO VALID CODES;ONE CODE OF ‘30-34’ AND ONE CODE OF ‘12-18’ IN DE 31 AND A VALID CODE OF ‘K-U’ IN DATA ELEMENT 32

Subsection 12: KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (100)


Incidents submitted with KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (Crimes Against Person) (NIBRS Code 100) should receive one of the following eight error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100), THEN Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) MUST contain a valid value. 84012 WHEN LRS = 100, DE 13 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84112 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 7 = A ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 1 ‘ OR ‘ 8 ‘. ‘
2 When an Incident contains an offense of KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’), Recovered (‘5’), Stolen (‘7’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84212 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’, ‘5’, ‘7’, OR ‘8’.
3 When there is only ONE COMPLETED PROPERTY OFFENSE in an incident, a property segment can contain a ‘7’ = Stolen Property or an ‘8’ = Unknown. The incident will reject if an agency sends a ‘7’ and also an ‘8’ within the same incident, when there is only one completed property offense within the incident. 84312 WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE COMPLETED PROPERTY OFFENSE IN AN INCIDENT, A PROP - ERTY SEG.CAN CONTAIN A ‘7’ = STOLEN PROPERTY OR AN ‘8’ = UNKNOWN.THE INCIDENT WILL REJECT IF AN AGENCY SENDS A ‘7’ AND ALSO AN ‘8’ WITHIN THE SA
4 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), then Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values. 84412 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 14 EQUALS TO ‘5’ OR ‘7’, THEN DE 15 AND 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
5 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84512 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.
6 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Injury (DE 33) MUST contain a valid value. 84612 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 25 EQUALS TO ‘I’ OR ‘L’, THEN DE 33 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
7 When an Incident contains KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION (NIBRS Code 100) and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) IS NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST contain valid values. 84712 WHEN LRS = 100 AND DE 36 IS NOT EQUAL TO ‘000’, DE 34 AND 35 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.



Incidents submitted with LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSES (NIBRS Codes 23A-H) or EMBEZZLEMENT (NIBRS Code 270) offenses (both Crimes Against Property) should receive the following three error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSES (NIBRS Codes 23A-H) or EMBEZZLEMENT (NIBRS Code 270) offenses, and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84013 WHEN LRS = 23 A - H OR 270 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSES (NIBRS Codes 23A-H) or EMBEZZLEMENT (NIBRS Code 270) offenses, and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), and. Property Description (15) and Value of Property (16) MUST contain valid values. 84113 WHEN LRS = 23 A - H OR 270 AND DE 7 = C ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 5 ‘ OR ‘ 7 ‘ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.’
2 When an Incident contains LARCENY/THEFT OFFENSES (NIBRS Codes 23A-H) or EMBEZZLEMENT (NIBRS Code 270) offenses, and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84213 WHEN LRS = 23 A - H OR 270 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.

Subsection 14: MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (240)


Incidents submitted with MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (Crimes Against Property) (NIBRS Code 240) should receive one of the following five error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains a MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (NIBRS Code 240) offense and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84014 WHEN LRS = 240 AND DE 7 = ‘A’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘8’.
1 When an Incident contains a MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (NIBRS Code 240) offense and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), and. Property Description (DE 15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values. 84114 WHEN LRS = 240 AND DE 7 = C ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 5 ‘ OR ‘ 7 ‘ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.’
2 When an Incident contains a MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (NIBRS Code 240) offense, and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Property Description (DE 15) MUST contain a valid value and Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84214 WHEN LRS = 240 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 15 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE, AND DATA ELEMENT 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.
3 When an Incident contains a MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (NIBRS Code 240) offense, and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Property Description (15) MUST contain one of the following codes,
  • '03' (Automobiles)
  • '05' (Buses)
  • '24' (Other Motor Vehicles)
  • '28' (Recreational Vehicles)
  • '37' (Trucks)

and Number of Recovered Vehicles (DE 19) MUST contain a valid value.
84314 WHEN LRS = 240 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, IF DE 15 HAS A CODE OF ‘03, ‘ 05 ‘, ‘ 24 ‘, ‘ 28 ‘, OR ‘ 37 ‘, THEN DATA ELEMENT 19 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
4 When an Incident contains a MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (NIBRS Code 240) offense, and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Stolen (‘7’), then Property Description (DE 15) MUST contain one of the following codes,
  • '03' (Automobiles)
  • '05' (Buses)
  • '24' (Other Motor Vehicles)
  • '28' (Recreational Vehicles)
  • '37' (Trucks)

and Number of Stolen Vehicles (DE 18) MUST contain a valid value.
84414 WHEN LRS = 240 AND DE 14 = ‘7’, THEN DE 15 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘03’, ‘05’, ‘24’, ‘28’, OR ‘37’ AND DATA ELEMENT 18 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.



Incidents submitted with PORNOGRAPHY/OBSCENE MATERIAL OFFENSES (Crimes Against Society) (NIBRS Code 370) should receive the following error message, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When NIBRS Offense Code is 370 the following MUST be true:
  • Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12) MUST have a valid code.
  • Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Society ('S').

Subsection 16: PROSTITUTION OFFENSES (40A, 40B)


Incidents submitted with PROSTITUTION OFFENSES (Crimes Against Society) (NIBRS Codes 40A and 40B) should receive the following error message, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains PROSTITUTION OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 40A AND 40B), then Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Society (‘S’). 84016 WHEN LRS = 40A OR 40B, DE 25 MUST EQUAL ‘S’.

Subsection 17: ROBBERY OFFENSES (120)


Incidents submitted with ROBBERY OFFENSES (Crimes Against Property) (NIBRS Code 120) should receive one of the following six error messages:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120), then Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) MUST contain a valid value. 84017 WHEN LRS = 120, DE 13 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
1 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84117 WHEN LRS = 120 AND DE 7 = A ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 1 ‘ OR ‘ 8 ‘. ‘
2 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120) and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of Recovered (‘5’) or Stolen (‘7’), and. Property Description (15) and Value of Property (DE 16) MUST contain valid values. 84217 WHEN LRS = 120 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘5’ OR ‘7’ AND DE 15 & 16 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
3 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST contain a valid date. 84317 WHEN LRS = 120 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 17 MUST HAVE A VALID DATE.
4 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’), then Type of Injury (DE 33) MUST contain a valid value. 84417 WHEN LRS = 120 AND DE 25 = ‘I’ OR ‘L’, THEN DE 33 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.
5 When an Incident contains ROBBERY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 120) and Type of Victim (DE 25) is Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’) and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) IS NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST contain valid values. 84517 WHEN LRS = 120 AND DE 25 = ‘I’ OR ‘L’ AND DE 36 NOT EQUAL TO ‘000’, THEN DE 34 AND 35 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.

Subsection 18: SEX OFFENSES – FORCIBLE (11A-D)


Incidents submitted with SEX OFFENSES - FORCIBLE (Crimes Against Persons) (NIBRS Codes 11A-D) should receive the following two error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When NIBRS Offense Code is 11A, 11B, 11C, or 11D, then:
  • Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) must have a value
  • Victim Type (DE 25) must be either 'I - Individual' or 'L - Law Enforcement
  • Injury Type (DE 33) must have a value
1 When an Incident contains SEX OFFENSES – FORCIBLE (NIBRS Code 11A-D), and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) IS NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST contain valid values. 84118 WHEN LRS = 11 A - 11 D OR 64 A OR 64 B AND 36 NOT EQUAL TO 000 ‘, THEN DE 34 AND 35 MUST HA VE A VALID CODE.’

Subsection 19: SEX OFFENSES – NON-FORCIBLE (36A-36B)


Incidents submitted with SEX OFFENSES – NON-FORCIBLE (Crimes Against Persons) (NIBRS Codes 36A or 36B) should receive the following two error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When an Incident contains SEX OFFENSES – NON-FORCIBLE (NIBRS Codes 36A or 36B), then Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Individual (‘I’) or Law Enforcement Officer (‘L’). 84019 WHEN LRS = 36A OR 36B, DE 25 MUST HAVE A ‘I’ OR ‘L’.
1 When an Incident contains SEX OFFENSES – NON-FORCIBLE (NIBRS Codes 36A or 36B) and Offender Sequence Number (DE 36) IS NOT EQUAL to ‘000’, then Offender Number to be Related (DE 34) and Relationship of Victim to Offender (DE 35) MUST contain valid values. 84119 WHEN LRS = 36 A OR 36 B AND DE 36 NOT EQUAL TO 000 ‘, THEN DE 34 AND 35 MUS T HAVE A VALID CODE.’



Incidents submitted with STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES (Crimes Against Property) (NIBRS Code 280) should receive one of the four following error messages, as appropriate:

Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When NIBRS Offense Code is 280 the following MUST be true::
  • Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12) MUST have a valid code.
1 When an Incident contains STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 280), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Attempted (‘A’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Unknown (‘8’). 84120 WHEN LRS = 280 AND DE 7 = A ‘, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘ 1 ‘ OR ‘ 8 ‘. ‘
2 When an Incident contains STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 280), and Offense Attempted/Completed (DE 7) is Completed (‘C’), then Type of Property Loss (DE 14) MUST have a value of None (‘1’) or Recovered (‘5’). 84220 WHEN LRS = 280 AND DE 7 = ‘C’, THEN DE 14 MUST HAVE A CODE OF ‘1’ OR ‘5’.
3 When an Incident contains STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES (NIBRS Code 280) and Type of Property Loss (DE 14) is Recovered (‘5’), then Property Description (DE 15), Value of Property (DE 16) and Date Recovered (DE 17) MUST all contain valid values. 84320 WHEN LRS = 280 AND DE 14 = ‘5’, THEN DE 15, 16 & 17 MUST HAVE A VALID CODE.

Subsection 21: WEAPONS LAW VIOLATIONS (520)


Requirement Requirement Description Error Number Error Message
0 When NIBRS Offense Code is 520 the following MUST be true:
  • Type of Criminal Activity/Gang Information (DE 12)
  • Type of Weapon/Force Involved (DE 13) MUST have a valid code
  • Type of Victim (DE 25) MUST be Society ('S').